- Evangelistic series by Yuan Zhiming in MP3. 遠志明福音見證系列MP3格式。
- Let us not forget that Cleveland won the series by the slimmest of margins, squeaking out three victories by one point in the best-of-seven set. 而且我們不要忘了騎士擊敗巫師的整個系列賽的勝負分差都是最小的,在七場四勝制的系列賽,騎士隊有三場比賽的勝利都是險勝1分。
- TakingITGlobal Monthly Theme series by Benjamin Wan. TIG的每月主題作者Benjamin Wan。
- Each point should be connected to the next in series by a line. 每個點都應該通過一條線連接到級數中的下一個點上。
- The theme is the forth of the "R" series by me, I called it "R4". 這個主題是我的"R"系列;我稱之為"R4".
- The footprints in the sands changed saber-toothed tiger's, washed away by tide in silence usually. 沙灘上的腳印換成了劍齒虎的,潮水仍然無聲地抹去了這個生物留下的印記。
- Evangelistic series by Yuan Zhiming in a set of 6 cassette tapes. 遠志明福音見證系列全套6卷卡帶。
- He sweated his horse by tiding him too hard. 他騎馬讓馬累出了大汗。
- Maximum storm surges caused by tropical cyclones were measured by tide gauges installed at several locations around Hong Kong. 熱帶氣旋產生的最大風暴潮是由裝置在香港多處的潮汐測量器量度的。
- Again here are some more scribbles born from chatting. They were also not series this time. 又再來一些誕生自閒聊的塗鴉。這次也不是系列。
- Download the TakingITGlobal "VISIT" Wallpaper series by Jarra McGrath. 下載TakingITGlobal「訪問」牆紙系列,製作者:Jarra McGrath。
- Download the TakingITGlobal 800-1'Wallpaper series by Jarra McGrath. 下在TakingITGlobal 800-1'系列壁紙,由Jarra McGrath製作。
- Try reading a book in the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 你可以試著挑一本懷德所寫的這系列里的書來看。
- Webinar series by AAM, in conjunction with the book publication, Feb to May. 下面的連結是由美國博物館協會舉辦的網路線上研討會,內容與本書相關,時間自二月到五月。
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我們切不可忽視輿論的傾向。
- A Record of Drought and Flood Series by Tree-Ring Data in the Middle Section of Qilian Mountain Since 904 A.D. 祁連山中部公元904年以來樹木年輪記錄的旱澇變化。
- not Series by Title 不按軍銜排列
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因為蒸發作用而失掉過多的水份。
- To specify what kind of data you want in the secondary chart, click an option in the Split series by box. 若要指定在附屬圖表中需要顯示何類數據,請單擊「分割系列」框中的選項。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 這些東西的區別只是大小不同而實質一樣。