- If you are the graduate, would you like to work for no pay? 如果你是大學畢業生,你願意「零工資」就業嗎?
- That millionaire has even been tossed out of the house for no money to pay for the rent. 那個百萬富翁還曾因為沒錢付房租而被人趕出去過。
- Some companies in the Science Park are pushing off-the-clock tasks done outside of the regular work hour for no pay. 描述下班后還得完成但卻沒有支領薪水的工作。
- Magistrates or Justice of the Peace: They know little about law and receive no pay for their work. 地方法官或和約法官:他們知道少少法律而且不收任何費用。
- No work, no pay. 不勞動不發工資
- All work and no pay makes Jack a dull boy. 只有工作無工資,傑在也得變蠢才。
- Women demand equal pay for equal work. 婦女要求同工同酬。
- Each article is by an enthusiast in the relevant field, for no pay, and edited by fellow volunteers. 每篇內容都由某相關領域的熱心人士撰寫,沒有稿酬,編輯者也同樣是志願人士。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不為付假期的費用而苦苦攢錢。
- He received triple pay for his extra work. 他因超額工作得到三倍的報酬。
- In fact, for his extraordinary act of loyalty in spurning the Arab riches of Manchester City for no pay rise at Chelsea, I'd give it to him now. 實際上,對於他極其忠誠的表現,為了沒有任何加薪的切爾西而拒絕阿拉伯富翁的曼城,我決定將這一容易授予他。
- Thus, Jewish rabbis (religious teachers) accepted no pay for their labors in the synagogue;they earned their living at a trade. 猶太人的拉比(宗教教師)在會堂的工作是不接受酬勞的,他們靠交易維生。
- Comments: Introduce the news detailed that very erotic and very violence, no pay for customer of prostitutes initiated despicable acts, dissemination of crime. 上榜原因:詳細介紹很黃很暴力的新聞,倡導嫖娼不給錢的惡劣行為,傳播犯罪。
- No bees, no honey; no work, no money. [諺]無蜂則無密,不勞則無酬。
- There seems to be no work for you to do now. 看來現在沒有工作需要你做了。
- He often flies into a temper for no reason at all. 他經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- There's no work for two whole days. TGIF. 有整整兩天不必工作。感謝上天今天是星期五。
- I took out an overdraft to pay for my new car. 我用透支來付新汽車的錢。
- He often goes into a temper for no reason at all. 他經常無緣無故地發脾氣。
- In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday. 我一時心軟同意了支付她度假的費用。