- A. Assess pain, lungs, cardiac status, fundal height, lochia, passing of flatus, bowel movement, distension, tenderness, bowel sounds, incision. 評估疼痛,肺,心臟狀況,基礎體重,惡露,排氣,腸蠕動,腹脹,壓痛,腸鳴音,切口。
- the passage of air from the lungs; the passing of flatus. 空氣由肺通過進入體內。
- The feeling deepened with the passing of the years. 這種感覺一年一年地加深了。
- The steps have been rubbed down by the passing of so many feet. 這些台階被如此眾多來往的腳步蹋損了。
- We have no need to mourn the passing of the steam train. 我們沒有必要為蒸汽火車的停止使用感到惋惜。
- Pumbaa: Wingardium Leviosa! Ain't no passing craze! 彭彭:羽加迪姆勒維奧薩!讓人不由自主地興奮起來!
- People lament the passing of the good old days . 人們惋惜過去的好時光的流逝。
- We watched the passing of the procession. 我們觀看隊伍走過。
- I will not let him in if he has no pass. 不,如果沒有通行證,我不會讓他進來。
- People lament the passing of the good old days. 人們惋惜過去的好時光的流逝。
- With the passing of years my enthusiasm waned. 隨著歲月的消逝,我的熱情逐漸減退了。
- The changing seasons mark the passing of time. 寒來暑往,斗轉星移。
- They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life. 他們對逝去的較為淳樸的生活感到惋惜。
- The passing of everyday human events! 為已經逝去的每一天的人類事件!
- Although I was a familiar face, I still had no pass. 我雖然是熟人,但仍無出入證。
- Her hair became grey with the passing of years. 隨著年代的流逝,她的頭髮變得花白了。
- But with the passing of the cold war, no new byword has come along. 可是冷戰過去以後,還沒有新的口號出現。
- I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops. 我買了一本關於神權自使徒傳至教皇及其他主教的一脈相承的書。
- I hope her emotional wound will heal with the passing of time. 我希望她感情上的創傷能隨時間的流逝而治癒。
- Let's cross the railway after the passing of the train. 讓我們等火車過了以後再穿過鐵路。