- The calculation of sea/land clutter power to airborne PD early warning radar is a hot and difficult problem of EW simulation. 機載脈衝多普勒預警雷達海地雜波功率計算是電子戰模擬研究的一個熱點和難點問題。
- Meanwhile, the operation effieiency of early warning radar system greatly depends on its wartime survivability. 而戰時預警探測雷達裝備的生存能力又是裝備發揮作戰效能的重要前提。
- This paper set up a clutter model for airborne early warning radar(AEW radar)with stochastic integral. 本文用隨機積分的方法引入一種合理的機載預警雷達的地 (海 )雜波模型 .
- On its military's shopping list are eight conventional submarines, long-range early warning radar systems and Patriot anti-missile systems. 在台灣的軍事採購清單中,包括了購買八艘常規潛艇,以及帶有遠程雷達系統的愛國者反導彈系統。
- On its military's shopping list are eight conventional submarines , long-range early warning radar systems and Patriot anti-missile systems. 在台灣的軍事採購清單中,包括了購買八艘常規潛艇,以及帶有遠程雷達系統的愛國者反導彈系統。
- China expresses strong displeasure and firm opposition to the US approval to sell an early warning radar system to Taiwan. 中國對於美國同意賣給台灣預警雷達系統表達了強烈不滿和堅決反對。
- Analysis results of operational effectiveness of antiradar UAV show abstratcly that it is viable to attack early warning radar systems and aerial defence systems. 並通過對反輻射無人機的作戰效能分析,理論說明了利用反輻射無人機攻擊敵方雷達預警系統、防空系統的可行性。
- Wang W L,Liao G S,Zhang G B.Study on STAP in non-homogeneous environment for phased array airborne early warning radar[J].Chinese Journal of Radio Science,2004,19(3):348-353. [5]王萬林;廖桂生;張光斌.;相控陣AEW雷達雜波抑制的非均勻處理方法研究[J]
- The Paris metro is considering digging anti-suicide trenches or fitting warning radar in its380 stations in an effort to reduce the number of people who try to kill themselves on the network. 為了儘可能防止在地鐵線路上發生自殺事件,巴黎地鐵管理部門目前正在考慮在其所轄的380個車站內採取挖掘防自殺壕溝及安裝預警雷達等應對措施。
- WANG Wanlin,LIA0 Guisheng,ZHANG Guangbin,et al.Study on STAP in non-homogeneous environment for phased array airborne early warning radar[J].Chinese Journal of Radio Seience,2004,19(3):348-353. [8]王萬林;廖桂生;張光斌;等.;相控陣AEW雷達雜波抑制的非均勻處理方法研究[J]
- pulse Doppler early warning radar 脈衝多普勒預警雷達
- light-weight warning radar station 輕型警戒雷達站
- long-range early warning radar system 遠程早期預警雷達系統
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水師是中國最早的海軍部隊。
- Automotive collision warning radar 汽車避碰雷達
- Jack looks well in naval uniform. 傑克穿海軍制服很漂亮。
- The naval warfare ended in our victory. 這次海戰以我們的勝利而告終。
- phased array early warning radar 相控陣預警雷達
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他們在雷達屏上看到了那艘遊艇。
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 這一次老師放過他,只給了一個警告。