Three outdoor terraces allow for plenty of natural light inside. 三個室外平台使大量的自然光照進房間。
Visitors will be able to move around the building's courtyard as it extends to the lower ground floor, providing natural light to enter the court rooms at that level. 參觀者將能夠在這座建築的庭院來回走動,因為它延伸到了地下低層,而且還為進入庭院提供了自然光照。
Provide open spaces with natural light. 提供自然採光的開放空間。
The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation. 該工廠使用地熱能源,自然採光和自然通風。
Having been covered in natural wood, the house alternates between tones of white helping in naturally illuminating the house with ample sunlight. 在被覆蓋的天然木材,房子白之間交替自然照明在家裡幫助陽光較充足噸。
Provide open spaces with natural light. 提供自然採光的開放空間。
The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation. 該工廠使用地熱能源,自然採光和自然通風。