- It is a gift for my relative in my hometown. 這是我送給家鄉一位親戚的禮物。
- Can I Be Exempted from Testifying against My Relative? 我可以不證明我的親屬有罪嗎?
- I have come to bid farewell to all my relatives. 我向全部親戚道別。
- She prompted me to call my relatives. 她鼓動我去訪問我的親戚。
- The house is inhabited by my relatives. 那房子住著我的親戚。
- I will go to America to visit my relatives. 我將去美國探親。
- I've borrowed money from my relatives. 胡先生:我從親戚那兒借的錢。
- Do I have to ask all my relatives to the wedding? 我得邀請我所有的親戚參加婚禮嗎?
- A: Yes. Some of my relatives live there. 是啊。我的一些親戚住在那兒。
- I am on good terms with my relatives. 我跟我的親戚相處很好。
- Some of my relatives live there. 我的一些親戚住在那兒。
- All of my relatives live in Taidong. 我所有親戚都住在台東。
- Mima said, "One of my relatives worked as a groom. 米瑪說:「我有個親戚是馬夫。
- I will visit my relatives and play with my cousins. 我會拜訪我的親戚,和我的表親一起玩耍。
- Some of my relatives were penny pinchers. 我的一些親戚真是小氣。
- Victoria: I had to visit all my relatives. 我得把所有的親戚都拜訪一遍。
- "That's my relative, Mrs. Chou, the wife of the general manager of the bank where I work. 「這就是我親戚周太太,敝銀行的總經理夫人。
- And Laban said to Jacob, Because you are my relative, should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what shall your wages be? 拉班對雅各說,你雖是我的外甥,豈可白白的服事我?請告訴我,你要什麼為工價?
- I was guaranteed a set percentage of the returns but given my relative contribution, I believed I was entitled to a larger slice of the profit pie. 公司承諾給我一個固定比例的分紅,但考慮到相對的貢獻程度,我覺得自己有理由在利潤大餅中分到更大的一塊。
- He's not my relative, and you are not my enemy. I don't favour either one of you. I only want to say a few honest words. 我跟他非親非故,跟你也無冤無仇,我不偏向哪個,只說幾句良心話。