- Rose: Hello, Doc. My back is killing me. 蘿絲:你好,醫師,我的背痛死了。
- Rose: Hello, Doc. My back is killing me. 蘿絲:你好,醫師,我的背痛死了。
- My back pain is killing me at work. 我背部的疼痛妨礙我工作。
- My back is killing me. 我的背疼得要命。
- My back is killing me recently, so I went to have a traditional Chinese massage. I find it kind of fun, but kind of painful as well. 最近我的背痛死了,所以我就去推拿了。我覺得推拿挺有趣的,但是也滿痛的。
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的後背要了我的命。
- My shoulders are killing me,My back is killing me 肩膀、背部等酸痛,你也可以說
- One of my lower back teeth is killing me. 我的一個后牙正在痛。
- Get the bundle off my back ; it' s really weighing me down. 把我背上的包裹拿下來,它真壓得我夠嗆。
- I can't run any longer, my feet are killing me! 我不能再跑了,我的腳疼死了!
- I bent back too far and hurt my back muscles. 我後仰得太厲害,扭傷了腰部。
- I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上的這些衣服,我一無所有。
- Get the bundle off my back; it's really weighing me down. 把我背上的包裹拿下來,它真要把我壓垮了。
- His condescending attitude really gets my back up. 他那種居高臨下的恩賜態度實在使我很生氣。
- My back has stiffened (up) overnight. 我的後背一夜之間強直了。
- And my tuition payments are killing me. 學費都快把我愁死了。
- I want to tan my back a bit more. 我想把後背曬得再黑點兒。
- Dad, my eyes are killing me with hay fever! 爸爸,我患了花粉熱,兩眼簡直痛得要命。
- Stuart: My finger is killing me. 我的手指快痛死了。
- Oh, are you going to get on my back, too? 啊,你是不是也要來煩我一通呢?