- muse over things of the remote past 發思古之幽情
- I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. 我因一直渴望著遙遙無期的事情而倍受折磨。
- God's veil over things makes them all riddles. 上帝的紗幔復蓋著萬物,使它們變得撲朔迷離。
- Speak out. Don't just brood over things. 你有什麼事就說吧, 別圈在心裡。
- Let's not rake over things that we would rather forget. 我們還是別提那些不如忘卻的事情吧。
- As I walked along the road, I mused over what I should say. 我沿著大路一邊走一邊想著該說些什麼。
- The hoary peasant mused over his past sufferings. 這位白髮的農民默想著他過去所受的苦難。
- There's no point in worrying over things you can't change. 對改變不了的事情擔心也沒用。
- It was not for me to muse over bygones, but to act with a cheerful spirit and a grateful heart. 我不應當緬懷往事,而應當高高興興,心滿意足。
- I know we got into a flap over things every now and then. 我知道,有時我們也會爭吵。
- They are early people, I'm glad to say, and his eyes seemed to muse over the proper fold for these damp sheep. 我很高興地說,他們都是些早睡早起的人;他的眼光似乎默默在考慮這些濕漉漉的教徒應該在哪裡過夜才合適。
- Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. 對於我不能控制的事情,求你使我不要報怨,發牢騷。
- He mused over memories of his youth. 他重溫青年時期的往事。
- She sat musing over the memories of the past. 她坐著緬懷往事。
- He mused over his memories of the past. 他緬懷往事。
- He was musing over memories of the past. 他正在重溫往事。
- They are usually energetic, very talkative, like spliting over things. 他們通常精力旺盛,非常健談,喜歡鑽「牛角尖」。
- The strong desire to drop Chinese names is probably unrelated to the mentality in the past to fawn over things foreign. 急於丟棄自己姓名的現象相信和過去崇洋媚外的想法沒有關係。
- Why? Why? This message would have verified to the inspectors that they have been trying to turn over things. 為什麼?為什麼?這條信息向核查人員證實,他們一直試圖隱藏事實。
- I often reread slowly really good ideas and blur over things that do not interest me. 我一般會跳過那些不感興趣的話題而詳讀那些好的觀點。