- What is the most revered and visible of the Olympic Games competition? 奧運會競賽最神聖的標誌是什麼?
- A few conventions revered and respected in earlier times have now become Aunt Sallys for the younger generation. 早年一些受到尊崇的慣例如今成了年輕一代嘲弄的對象。
- A number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation. 一些早年受到尊崇的慣例, 現在已經成了這代人嘲弄的對象了。
- I am to be revered and respected exclusively 唯我獨尊
- The Dragon was the most revered of all. 龍是全部里受崇敬最多的。
- Although Andrew doesn't play what are considered traditional compositions, he approaches all of his songs with a well-defined reverence and respect. 雖然Andrew並不演奏傳統的作曲,他用尊嚴與尊敬演奏他的所有歌曲。
- The Great Leader must be revered and adored. 必須尊敬和崇拜偉大領袖。
- He was a popular and respected teacher. 他是位受人歡迎和尊敬的老師。
- He is well-liked and respected banker. 他是一個受歡迎和尊敬的銀行家。
- She sympathized and respected him for his stand. 她對他的態度深表同情和尊敬。
- Those who insist determinacy is too stubborn, but we should more reverence and wading across the stream by feeling the way. 持確定性觀點的人太固執了,我們要多懷一分敬畏之心,摸著石頭過河。
- The apparitions made Fatima one of Catholicism's most revered sites. 異象的顯現使法蒂瑪成為天主教最敬畏的地點之一。
- Dear students and respected peoples! 親愛的同學們和尊敬的人們!
- Dr Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning. 埃利奧特博士是學術界最受尊敬的人物之一。
- Oscar: My friendship and respect. 奧斯卡:我的友誼和尊重。
- She suffers all pupil's patriarch's highly praising and respect. 她受到全體小學生家長的高度讚揚與尊敬。
- A good son is one who reveres and serves his parents, who honours his preceptor, who is humble and respectful towards elders, and who earns a good name by his service to society. 3優秀子女是一位恭敬服侍父母,禮敬導師,謙遜敬仰長者,並且為社會奉獻服務而享盛名者。
- Do scientists utilize and respect community input? 科學家利用和尊重社區的意見嗎?
- One of the most revered spiritual men of the 20th century has taken his first big step on the road to sainthood. 20世紀精神上最受崇敬的人之一已經朝著通往聖徒的道路邁出了第一大步。
- Made us admire and respect this great man. 讓我們從心底里敬佩這位老人。