SEM studies on leaves and leaf cells of some mosses. 若干蘚類植物的葉片和葉細胞的掃描電鏡研究。
When the mosses are insufficient, tissue culture of mosses is a supplementary work worthy of consideration for expanding the resources of mosses. 用組織培養的方法增加蘚類的數量是擴大蘚類資源的一種有效補充辦法。
The collective name for mosses, liverworts, and hornworts is bryophytes. 以前苔蘚植物還包括一些現在已經被五界系統歸為藻類的植物。
Also dependent on the park fall grasses, mosses, and shrubs are migrating birds and bull moose, which gather in their cows for the mating season. 也依賴於公園秋季草地,苔蘚植物,和灌木是候鳥和大型的駝鹿,因為將奶牛聚集在一起是它們的交配季節。