- Ignorance of money functions has led to both money worship and money scorn. 不管是拜金主義還是蔑金主義,都是對貨幣的職能無知造成的。
- Under the condition of market-driven economy, college students will more or less be influenced by money worship and /or hedonism. 指出在市場經濟條件下 ,大學生會不同程度地受到社會上一些不健康的拜金主義、享樂主義等價值觀、人生觀的影響。
- Although money worship and commodity fetishism, currency fetishism are the same in some respects, they are different form each other. 拜金主義雖與商品拜物教和貨幣拜物教相通,但卻又不相同。
- With the development of the market economy, money worship and egoism also imperceptibly affect the teenagers, which is the outside cause of limiting the result of moral education. 隨著我國社會主義市場經濟的深入發展,社會上拜金主義、利己主義趁勢抬頭,潛移默化地影響著青少年的價值取向,成為制約學校德育效果的外在因素。
- In the modern society, material civilization is highly developed while there exists a crisis of mental world of human beings. Money worship and hedonism are prevailing, the view of value is collapsing, man becomes the slaver of material desire. 現代社會一方面物質文明高度發達,另一方面人的精神世界存在危機,拜金主義、享樂主義盛行,自我失范、價值觀崩潰,人成了「物慾」的奴隸。
- The phenomenon of money worship and obsession, a growing concern with self interests, and neglect of public welfare exert negative impact on people's attitude towards many Chinese tradition value. 拜金主義、對自我的日益關注以及對公益事業的淡漠使中國許多傳統美德受到衝擊。
- The clinical overtreatmant is certainly offspring in at present economy circumst ances,money worship and economy results become the sole aim,humanitarianism be come secondary,the clinical overtreatmant usually overflow. 過度醫療是目前不規範的經濟大環境的必然產物 ,救死扶傷、人道主義本應是醫療工作的準則 ,現在拜金主義、經濟效應第一成為醫療活動的目的 ,過度診療在所難免。
- Public ownership is advantageous in wiping out the money worship and the discrepancy between the rich and the poor whereas competition makes the fundamental principle of a market economy. 競爭是市場經濟的基本法則,集體企業要在市場竟爭中立於不敗之地,就必須使自己成為適應市場經濟發展的競爭實體和市場主體,建立現代企業制度才是集體企業改革的根本,沒有一個科學、規範的現代企業制度,很難使企業能夠在市場經濟的竟爭環境下生存和發展。
- Corruption and crime go hand in hand. 腐敗與犯罪攜手并行。
- In the time of money worship and materialism , money 、power showing in the ordinary people、some pseudo -artists 、even part of professionals』 heart , it just the state of just so so and wateriness. 在當下拜金主義、物質至上的年代,金錢、權利在普通大眾和一些偽藝術家甚至部分業內人士心目中呈現出「不過如此」的「平淡」狀態。
- Combat money worship and extreme individualism (egotism) 反對拜金主義和極端個人主義
- A correlation between drug abuse and crime. 吸毒和犯罪之間的相互關聯
- A system or community of religious worship and ritual. 宗教崇拜宗教崇拜和崇拜儀式的體系或團體
- To many, drugs and crime are not dissociable. 對許多人來說,吸毒和犯罪是不可分開的
- Money worship is a social malady nowadays. 拜金主義是現在社會上的歪風。
- Economic meltdown bred state thuggery and crime. 經濟上的徹底垮台也滋生了國家的政治謀殺以及犯罪。
- He criticizes the money worship. 他批評年輕人中普遍存在的金錢崇拜。
- His will for you is to worship and serve Him. 上帝的旨意很簡單,就是要我們敬拜他,事奉他。
- You are all I long for all I worship and adore. 我所敬仰與熱愛的一切。
- That newspaper capitalizes on sex and crime reports. 那種報紙是以報道性與罪為特色的。