- This fix pack requires IBM Installation Manager, Version 此修訂包需要IBM Installation Manager V1.;0
- IBM Installation Manager is a program that helps you install the Rational Software Modeler product packages on your workstation. IBM Installation Manager程序幫助您將Rational Software Modeler產品軟體包安裝到工作站上。
- Add the corresponding repository to the list of repositories in Installation Manager and install Functional Tester 在Installation Manager中的存儲庫列表中添加相應的存儲庫;並安裝Functional Tester 7.;0
- Note that in the latter three scenarios you can choose to run the Installation Manager program in silent mode to install Rational Software Modeler. 請注意,在後三種方案中,可以選擇以靜默方式運行Installation Manager程序來安裝Rational Software Modeler。
- Caption:: In space, instrument repairs and module installations, mostly are done by extravehicular activities(EVA) carried out by astronauts in weightlessness. 在太空中,儀器維修和組件裝配工作,很多都需要太空人進行艙外活動,在無重狀態下進行。
- When you install the Rational Software Modeler package using IBM Installation Manager, you must choose a package group and a shared resource directory. 在使用IBM Installation Manager來安裝Rational Software Modeler軟體包時,必須選擇軟體包組和共享資源目錄。
- From the Start page of the Installation Manager, click Update Packages. 在Installation Manager的「開始」頁中,單擊更新軟體包。
- You use IBM Installation Manager to import the activation kit to your product. 使用IBM Installation Manager將激活工具箱導入到產品中。
- Local companies install management information systems to monitor their subsidiaries in the Mainland and elsewhere. 本港公司會安裝管理資訊系統,以監察其在內地及其他地區的附屬公司。
- To install your permanent license key, you must import the activation kit from the download location or the product media by using IBM Installation Manager. 要安裝永久許可證密鑰,必須使用IBM Installation Manager從下載位置或產品介質導入激活工具箱。
- Module installation: remove the next module and bolt onto the first module, each battery is shipped with its own schematic, make sure the polarization on the batteries matches the drawing. 安裝模塊時,應逐層進行,前一層固定之後才可疊加另一層電池組,並保持整齊一致。
- Running Installation Manager in silent mode is helpful because it enables you to use a batch process to install, update, modify and uninstall product packages through scripts. 以靜默方式運行Installation Manager非常實用,在此方式下,可以使用批處理過程來通過腳本安裝、更新和卸載產品軟體包。
- If you can access the Functional Tester update site, use the Check for Updates option in Installation Manager to select and install Functional Tester 如果能夠訪問Functional Tester更新站點;請使用Installation Manager中的「檢查更新」選項選擇並安裝Functional Tester 7.;0
- Start the Install Packages wizard in Installation Manager and follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. 在Installation Manager中啟動"安裝軟體包"嚮導,然後按照"安裝軟體包"嚮導屏幕上的指示信息執行操作,以完成安裝。
- When the installation of Installation Manager completes, or if it is already on your system, Installation Manager starts and automatically begins the Install Packages wizard. Installation Manager的安裝完成後,或者如果系統上已安裝了Installation Manager,Installation Manager就會啟動並自動打開「安裝軟體包」嚮導。
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of IBM Installation Manager. 按照嚮導中的屏幕指示信息完成IBM Installation Manager的安裝。
- You then install the module at the machine level. 然後在計算機級別安裝該模塊。
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of Installation Manager. 請按照嚮導屏幕上的指示信息執行操作,以完成Installation Manager的安裝。
- Can I install custom PERL module? 我能夠安裝客制化的PERL 模塊嗎?
- The Perl script in Listing 2 checks to see if you have the required Perl modules installed on your system. 清單2中的Perl腳本檢查您的系統上是否已經安裝了所需的Perl模塊。