- BEAN BAG through the network login, players can be downloaded for free Tangram technology to the development of the latest mobile phone games, online play online games and chat with other friends. 通過豆包登錄網路,玩家可以免費下載到唐圖科技開發的最新手機遊戲,也可以在線玩網路遊戲、和好友聊天等。
- You can go online by mobile phone. 你可以通過手機上網。
- Arpg strongly recommend this type of mobile phone games! 強烈推薦這款手機arpg類的遊戲!
- A very cool Christmas ski Topics Mobile Phone Games. 一款非常酷的聖誕主題滑雪手機遊戲。
- A motion picture is very gorgeous mobile phone game action. 一款動作畫面都非常華麗的動作手機遊戲。
- Baseband circuit design of mobile phone. 手機基帶電路的設計。
- Will you play fee-based online games in the future? 將來你還會玩付費網路遊戲嗎?
- Many people use pre-paid mobile phone cards. 很多人使用電話儲值卡(如神州行)。
- I am infatuated with online games. 我迷戀於網路遊戲。
- A mobile phone with a built-in camera. 具有內建式照相機的手機。
- How can we play online games on computer? 如何操作在線網路遊戲啊?
- I would like to refund this mobile phone. 我想退換這個手機。
- Playing online games excessively is morally wrong. 過度地玩網路遊戲在道德上是不對的。
- I need a mobile phone as I'm always on the move. 我總在到處奔走,需要一部行動電話。
- I like playing the online games of JX series. 我喜歡玩劍俠情緣網路遊戲。
- We managed to raise him on his mobile phone. 我們設法打他的行動電話找到了他。
- Online games cause violence? That's all bunk. 在線遊戲引發暴力行為?完全是胡扯。
- There is a mobile phone and some books on the desk. 桌上有一個手機和一些書。
- One nid to dwnld... The other one is online games. 一個需要下載,另一個是線上遊戲。