- It is destructive when it takes the form of mob violence. 當它以暴民暴亂的形式出現時,它是有破壞性的。
- In the name of liberty, mob violence was encouraged, habeas corpus was abolished, and the guillotine was set up! 在自由的名義下,人民暴力(可能類似於文革)獲得了追捧,人身保護權無影無蹤了,而斷頭台也開始磨刀霍霍了。
- Moreover, the public has become slightly less accepting after bouts of mob violence, traditionally hidden, that claimed innocent lives. 同時,由於幫派械鬥及私刑倒致的無辜者傷亡也使民眾的惡感增加。
- The assimilation policies are usually state-enforced, but violence against minorities is not always state initiated: it can occur in the form of mob violence such as lynching or pogroms. 兩者均要求一個族群和文化的民族被包含在同一個國家裡。但是大民族主義往往不僅限於一個特別的民族。
- New Approach to Countering Mob Violence 群體性暴力事件治理新思維
- His speech provoked the mob and caused a riot. 他的演說煽動了群眾並且引起了一陣騷動。
- The riot police batoned the mob. 防暴警察用警棍打聚眾鬧事者。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 這次暴動可看作是政治上不穩定的徵兆。
- The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 國王的模擬像被憤怒的民眾燒掉以泄心中的憤恨。
- The riot police started to crack down on them. 防暴警察開始對他們採取鎮壓行動。
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面對一群投擲磚塊和汽油彈的暴徒。
- Improving Abilities of Settling Mob Riot through Training of Emergent Police Disposition Act 強化緊急警務處置訓練提高處置群體突發事件能力
- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齊放,萬紫千紅。
- He slammed the door with violence. 他砰的一聲猛地把門關上。
- The speaker's frankness disarmed the angry mob. 演說者的坦率緩和了憤激的群眾的怒氣。
- Football hooligans ran riot through the town. 鬧事的足球迷在城裡胡作非為。
- The kindhearted people hate violence. 善良的人們憎恨使用暴力。
- The mob rampaged through the village. 這伙暴徒在村中橫衝直撞。
- We condemned the violence in swiftness. 我們立即譴責了那種暴行。
- The military were called in to deal with the riot. 已將軍隊調來鎮壓暴亂。