- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法規世俗的法律、制度或法典
- One who gives a code of laws to a people. 制定法典者給一個民族制訂法典的人
- Ensure compliance with PRC laws and regulations and MWV, XS & JV's Code of Business Conduct. 保證與中國法律法規和MWV,XS&JV商業操守相一致。
- Critique BASF' s code of conduct and its charter on values and principles. 評論巴斯夫的管理規章、《價值和原則》憲章的內容。
- An ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council. 教規由教會確定的法律或法典
- The Code of Hammurabi was one of many sets of laws in the Ancient Near East. 漢謨拉比法典是古代近東的眾多法典之一。
- Naipaul』s code of accountability lies in facing the truth, but it』s a limited truth, with no sense of agency. 奈保爾的責任感體現在他敢於面對真相,但這只是有限的真相,缺乏作為主體擔當者的一面。
- Which of the following statements BEST describes part of PMI's Code of Conduct for PMPs? 以下哪句話最好地描述了適合項目管理專業人員的國際項目管理學會行為守則?
- During this uncertain time, soldiers rebelled against the NVA\'s code of strict military discipline. 在那段動蕩的時間裡,士兵們反對執行國家人民軍嚴格的條令規則。
- During this time, the and business plans of applicant companies are reviewed to ensure compliance with all provisions of DSA's Code of Ethics. 在這段時間裡,申請公司的營銷和商業計劃再三的被檢查以確保他們完全遵從美國直銷協會商德約法的所有條款。
- The fact that English is the international language of commerce and code of law cannot be ignored. 英語是國際商業語言,也是法庭的慣用語言,這都是我們不該忽視的。
- Centuries hence, we Frenchmen and Englishmen might be boasting and killing each other still, carrying out bravely the Devil』s code of honor. 你並不知道自己有多麼幸福,因為滿懷希望地前進,更勝於到達目的地。真正的成功,乃是奮鬥。
- The YTCA's Code of Ethics precludes the use of the words 「teacup」, 「tiny specialists」, doll faced, or similar terminology by its members, and for good reason. 按照YTCA組織成員的標準,禁止使用「茶杯」、「特別小」、娃娃臉或類似的術語,是有一定原因的。
- Hammurapi is best remembered for his code of laws (the famous stela of Hammurapi is now in the Louvre in Paris). 漢謨拉比最值得紀念的是他的法典(著名的漢謨拉比石碑現在位於巴黎的羅浮宮博物館)。
- Athenian lawmaker (7th century) whose code of laws prescribed death for almost every offense. 雅典立法者(7世紀),他的法律條文對每一項犯罪都處以死刑。
- He persisted in the study of law. 他堅持學習法律。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- I also remember how we tried to form a coalition in the legislature to enact a code of laws that would limit abortions. 我還記得,當時為了制定有關限制墮胎的法典,我們曾力圖在立法機關里形成一個聯盟。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是維護法紀的人。
- DSA's Code of Ethics gives the direct-elling industry one of the strongest self-regulatory codes in d business today. 直銷協會的商德約法是現今商業上最嚴格的自律規範之一。