They will sit there, for hours, leaning on great, dropsical, mildewed umbrellas, or eating Abernethy biscuits. 他們會坐在那兒,身體靠著水腫發霉的大雨傘上,一邊啃著硬餅乾。
The rest of the group followed her, wriggling up the narrow passage and crawling on their stomachs along the mildewed tunnel. 隊里的其他人也跟著那個女孩,沿著這個窄窄的洞往上爬,肚子貼著煙囪發霉潮濕的一壁,艱難地匍匐著。
用作形容詞 (adj.)
They will sit there, for hours, leaning on great, dropsical, mildewed umbrellas, or eating Abernethy biscuits. 他們會坐在那兒,身體靠著水腫發霉的大雨傘上,一邊啃著硬餅乾。