- 鎮靜劑narcotic
- 起鎮靜劑作用的To subject to the action of an opiate.
- 他們想用鎮靜劑使她靜下來。They tried to sedate her.
- 鎮靜劑的作用消失了。The effects of the sedative have gone off.
- 巴比妥[鎮靜劑]barbital
- 醫生給他服了鎮靜劑。The doctors drugged him with sedatives.
- 呼吸鎮靜劑[醫] resiratoryp sedative
- 從苯巴比妥魯米那中提取的被用作鎮靜劑和止痛藥的有抗精神病作用的葯。a drug (trade name Thorazine) derived from phenothiazine that has anti-psychotic effects and is used as a sedative and tranquilizer.
- 胃鎮靜劑[醫] gastric sedative
- 他們計劃先用鎮靜劑讓這個大傢伙先鎮定下來。They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer.
- 鎮靜劑的ataractic
- 心鎮靜劑[醫] cardiac sedative
- 現在有許多種鎮靜劑和安定劑。A wide variety of mild sedatives and tranquilizers have become available.
- 強鎮靜劑strong tranquilizer
- 輕鎮靜劑minor tranquilizer
- 腸鎮靜劑[醫] intestinal sedative
- 平和的鎮靜劑a mild sedative
- 現代藥理學提供了許許多多的鎮靜劑、抗抑鬱劑和抗焦慮劑。Modern pharmacology offers an abundance of tranquilizers, antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs.
- 靜脈注射鎮靜劑intravenous sedation
- 胃腸鎮靜劑[醫] gastro-intestinal sedative