- median traumatic dose 半創傷量
- A dose of this stuff will purge you! 這種葯只須一劑就能讓你通便!
- Our journey home was pretty traumatic. 我們歸途中不太順心。
- Give him the dose of his own medicine. [諺]以其人之道還治其人之身。
- Give him another dose----then he'll fetch up. 再給他服一劑葯,他就會蘇醒過來了。
- The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine. 醫生開了一劑口服藥。
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身體的損傷,發炎或損傷
- Failing the exam was a hard dose to swallow. 考試不及格是一服難咽的苦藥。
- Dose this red go well with that yellow? 這一紅色是不是同那一黃色相配?
- Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day. 每天服三次這種止咳糖漿,每次服一劑量。
- A median point, plane, line, or part. 中點,中間平面,中線或中間部分
- In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. 在這次事故中,工人受到大劑量的輻射。
- The median groove of a diatom valve. 閥縫硅藻閥上的中槽
- A dose of this medicine will put you right. 這葯你只要服一劑,你的病就會好的。
- What Does "House Median Income By Race" Indicate? "按族裔劃分家庭年均收入"標準的實質?
- She has been through a very traumatic experience. 她經歷了一件很痛苦的事。
- There, median incomes run to about $93,000. 那裡,收入中位數達到了93,000美元。
- Is a person in get traumatic when what should do? 一個人在受到創傷的時候該做些什麼?
- Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime. 就寢時服用該葯一次。
- Medial Toward the median plane of the body. 靠近身體正中面。