- There are three main channels for food supply to educational institutions, such as refectory, nourishment meal distribution and groceries all related university or school. 學校食品供應的主要渠道有三種:食堂、營養餐配送和學校所屬的副食供應商店或餐飲店。
- The high-grade metamorphic area is the Xiaotazhigou formation in the bottom of the distribution area of Archaean. 遼西高級變質區系指太古界底部小塔子溝組分佈地區。
- Methods To reaearch Xenopsylla Cheopis distribution area and vector role,etc.in the laboratory and fieldwork. 方法通過鼠疫流行現場調查和實驗室研究致癢蚤的分佈範圍、媒介作用的各項指標。
- There were 10 geographic distribution types, and north tempera zone was main distribution area. 其地理分佈類型共有10個,以北溫帶分佈為主。
- He said he did not live within the papers distribution area and added that his friend had just given it to him that day. 這位來賓並非居住在那份報紙的發行區域,但很巧的是,他的朋友剛好在刊登講座廣告的那天給了他那份報紙。
- It is one of concentratively distributed area of inland wetlands. 該區濕地類型有沼澤、湖泊、鹽沼和稻田,此外還有水庫和少量泥炭地。
- The author points out ten urgent tasks leave to be settled in the practice of the reform in distribution area with detailed contents. 針對當前流通改革實踐中出現的十個迫切需要研究解決的課題,分別指出了問題所在、有待解決的任務和具體內容。
- The main distribution area of HRP retrogradely labeled neurons overlapped with the BDA anterogradely labeled fibers and terminals within the PBN. 在臂旁核內 ,HRP逆標神經元的主要分布區與 BDA順標纖維和終末的主要分布區重疊。
- Indo-West Pacific Marine distribution area from East Africa to a northeastern limit in the Caroline Islands, but not reaching the Marshall Islands. 印度西太平洋海洋的分布區域從東非到加羅林群島東北界限,但是不到馬紹爾群島。
- The salinity tolerance range of this copepod extended effectively after acclimation, and display its potential distribution area. 鹽度馴化能有效地擴大該種橈足類的耐鹽範圍,從而瞭解其潛在的地理分佈範圍。
- China is the main distribution area of the rose-category plants,and China's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose. 中國是薔薇屬植物主要分布區,中國野生薔薇為現代月季立下了汗馬功勞。
- Basic conditions of genus Uvaria in Guangxi, including distribution area, batanical characters, habitat, resource and the usage, were investigated. 摘要對紫玉盤屬植物在廣西的分布區域、植物學特徵、生境、資源、用途等基本狀況進行實地調查。
- To put forward long term forecasting, investigation on emergence amount and total distribution area of over winter larva of meadow moth is necessary. 據此提出今後要搞好草地螟長期預報,必須跟蹤觀察各代幼蟲越冬的比率和面積大小。
- Mo mineral belt in Xiao Qinling region is one of major Mo-ore distribution area in China, accounting for 52% of countrywide total Mo reserves. 小秦嶺鉬礦帶是中國重要的大型鉬礦分布區之一,鉬儲量約佔全國總儲量的52%25。
- This species is widespread, not only as a common shrub in the distribution area but also as a cultivated ornamental in the Old and New Worlds. 本種廣布,不僅作為其分配區的普通灌木而且在舊大陸和新大陸作為栽培的觀賞。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那確實是一頓豐盛的飯。
- My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening. 我媽媽通常在晚上煮一頓熱飯。
- P. cornutum (L. ) Gaertn. was landlord species in China,but their amount and distribution area of population reduced gradually. 該屬植物作為一種沙生蔬菜,具有很大的開發潛力,但近年來資源逐漸減少,種群分佈範圍不斷縮小,資源保護迫在眉睫。
- Stop him whisking the remains of the meal. 別讓他突然把剩下的飯菜帶走了。
- Meal times are shown on the notice board. 告示牌上寫有用餐時間。