- CAVE MAZE Lets you enter hidden stage in the cave. 洞穴迷宮。可以進入第三關第二個場景中的兩個秘密洞穴。
- A hermit used to live in the cave. 一位隱士曾經住在那個山洞裡。
- A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. 官僚主義與墨守成規混雜成一團糟
- We got lost in Hampton Court maze. 我們在漢普頓科特迷宮裡迷了路。
- We kindled a firebrand in the cave. 我們在山洞裡點燃火把。
- He was in such a maze that he couldn't speak. 他困惑不堪,語無倫次。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一隻老鼠從黑暗的洞口跑出。
- She was lost in the maze for several hours. 她在迷宮中迷了路,浪費了好幾個小時。
- We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets. 街道曲曲彎彎的,把我們弄得迷失了方向。
- Seen from within, the cave looked larger. 從內部看,那個地洞顯得更大。
- The dark, dank cave gave me the willies. 這陰暗潮濕的山洞使我感到心驚肉跳。
- There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave. 洞穴的最深處有隻狗熊。
- Where's the entrance to the cave? 這個洞穴的入口在哪裡?
- A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave. 嚮導帶領我們通過山洞裡如迷宮般的隧道。
- A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave. 一塊巨大的圓石堵住了山洞的入口。
- They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他們到山洞去尋找寶藏。
- The enemy had to cave in and surrender. 敵人只好屈服投降。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被樹叢遮掩。
- A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave. 一塊大石頭堵住了洞口。
- The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm. 男孩子們在山洞裡擠成一團取暖。