- We request the honor of your company at dinner. 謹備便酌,敬請光臨(請柬用語)
- We request the honour of your company at dinner. "謹備便酌,敬請光臨。"
- May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 敬備菲酌,恭請光臨?
- May we have the pleasure of your company at dinner? 我們可以請您一起進餐嗎?
- May we have the pleasure of your company at dinner ? 我們可以請您一起進餐嗎?
- We request your honour of your company. 務請大駕光臨。
- We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa. 敬請光臨小女莉薩的婚禮。
- Our manager had sent me here to request the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. 我們經理派我來請您光臨今晚的宴會。
- Reserve a stand for your company at a trade fair in Dallas. 在達拉斯的貿易展覽會上為你的公司預定一個展位。
- I hope we will have the pleasure of your company at dinner. 我希望你能與我們共進晚餐。
- This is a letter of inquiry.I am conscious to know whether there are any openings in your company at the time. 此信乃探詢貴公司現時是否有任何空缺。
- I am afraid that the products can reach your company at 10th, and because the factory is in other city,so it will takes 2 days to express these goods to your company. 我想產品在10號才能達到你的公司,因生產工廠在外地,快遞這批貨物到你們公司需要2天。
- We earnestly request your presence at the meeting. 懇請出席會議。
- A: I wish the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. We can talk about our time schedule over the dinner party. 我希望今晚陪您共進晚餐,能賞光嗎?進餐期間我們可以談一談我們的時間安排。
- Marry may first 8 p.m. home request your attendance. 五一晚八點在家舉行婚禮,敬請光臨。
- CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) cordially requests the pleasure of your company at our Annual Dinner Party in Shenzhen. CIMA特許管理會計師公會誠摯地邀請您出席CIMA深圳年終派對。
- Good moring. This is the French Bistro. May l help you? 早上好,這是法餐廳。能為你效勞嗎?
- Let international experts help you to prepare a high standard MSDS, which is a key to success, also an effective way to promote your company at relatively low cost. 讓具有國際水平的專家幫你編製,高水準的MSDS對促進貿易的成功很關鍵,是企業有效的形象宣傳,相對來說,費用並不高。
- We request your kind attention to the signature at foot. 惠請注意下面的簽名。
- May I have the pleasure of your company for dinner? 你今晚能不能和我共進晚餐?