- Property stolen by fraud or force; booty. 掠奪物,戰利品通過欺詐或武力搶來的財產; 戰利品
- He get possession of the property by fraud. 他用欺詐方法佔有該房產。
- She is the victim of marriage by kidnap. 她就是掠奪婚的受害者。
- Rather fail by honor than succeed by fraud. 寧可光榮失敗,也不要靠欺騙成功。
- To deprive(another) of something by fraud; cheat or swindle. 詐騙通過欺騙的方式奪取(別人的)東西;欺騙或欺詐
- She trapped him into marriage by pretending she was pregnant. 她假裝已懷孕而騙他結婚。
- Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony. 在英國,由牧師證婚的婚姻即使沒有別的儀式也是合法的。
- To deprive (another) of something by fraud; cheat or swindle. 詐騙:通過欺騙的方式奪取(別人的)東西;欺騙或欺詐
- Spain has legalized gay marriage by the way and fast tract divorce. 西班牙已經將同性戀婚姻及短期內快速離婚視為合法化。
- A conviction obtained by fraud or perjury by a witness will be quashed. 用欺詐或證人偽證獲得的定罪必須被撤消。
- He loused up his own marriage by getting involved with another woman. 他因為跟另外一個女人勾搭而把自己的婚姻搞得一團糟。
- A conviction obtained by fraud or perjury by a witness will be quashed . 用欺詐或證人偽證獲得的定罪必須被撤消。
- They regularized their informal marriage by registering with the district government. 他們在區政府登記,從而使他們的非正式婚姻合法化。
- A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud (see article). 一個政客小集團通過欺騙幾乎完全竊取了勝利果實。
- Sutherland says she improved her marriage by taking the lessons from animal trainers and applying them to her husband. 薩瑟蘭說,通過從動物訓練者那裡取經並把經驗運用於自己丈夫身上,她的婚姻得到了改善。
- Her election as president in 2004 by a narrow margin was marred by fraud allegations. 阿羅約於2004年當選總統,她的微弱優勢被選舉舞弊的指控所玷污。
- Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles, But the one who gathers by labor increases it. 不勞而得之財、必然消耗.勤勞積蓄的、必見加增。
- On the subject of Molly, it is interesting to note that she is Sirius's cousin by marriage by virtue of her marriage to Arthur. 說到莫麗,有趣的是,她和亞瑟的婚姻便能使他與西曆厄斯成為姻親。
- It can be dated back to the study of the genius and the happiness of marriage by Terman and the study of the meaning of life by Carl GustavJung in 1930s. 積極心理學的研究淵源,最早可追溯到20世紀30年代Terman關於天才和婚姻幸福感的研究,以及榮格的關於生活意義的研究。
- Munger: If a company gets into a lot of trouble by fraud practiced on it, and its own affairs are disrupted, then it's just human nature to give customers a hard time. 曼格:如果一家公司面臨許多詐欺案件,那麽其公司本身的業務勢必受到影響,自然而然,其客戶也不會好受到哪裡去。