- His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. 他在股票交易中買賣精明,賺了很多錢。
- His clever manipulation of the stock markets makes him lots of money. 他在股票交易中買賣精明,賺了很多錢。
- Allows for bulk manipulation of item properties. 允許項目屬性的大塊操作。
- His manipulation of his friends was scandalous. 他對其朋友的操縱令人反感。
- The department store delivers free of charge. 這家百貨商店免費送貨。
- We can deliver goods to your door free of charge. 我們可以免費送貨上門。
- Window-shopping is free of charge. 瀏覽商店櫥窗是免費的。
- The chromosome manipulation of thess genes was also discussed. 文章還就這些基因的染色體操作等進行了討論。
- Book jackets are free of charge. 書套是贈送的。
- The pamphlets are free of charge. 這些小冊子是免費的。
- How much hand luggage may I carry free of charge? 外賓: 我可以免費攜帶多少手提行李?
- You can get an enlargement free of charge. 您可以免費得到一張放大的相片
- The food on board is free of charge. 飛機上的食品是免費供應的。
- It is a free of charge online service. 這項網上服務是免費的。
- The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news. 民眾對政府的不信任是官方假造新聞政策的結果。
- Should therefore be free of charge. 所以應該免費。
- She won the case By her artful manipulation of the jury's emotions. 通過巧妙的控制陪審團情緒,她成功地贏下了這個案子
- They make a lot of money by clever manipulation of the Stock Market. 他們巧妙地操縱股票市場而大賺其錢。
- Going to public concerts is often free of charge. 欣賞公開的演唱會通常是免費的。
- Advertising like this is a cynical manipulation of the elderly. 作這樣的廣告宣傳就是耍弄老年人。