- I was tempted to pass the buck (= make sb else responsible). 我很想把責任推給別人。
- Make sb unconscious(by striking him,with an anaesthetic,etc. 使某人失去知覺(予以打擊、使用麻醉劑等)
- Make sb undergo or suffer(inconvenience,trouble,etc. 使某人遭(不便、麻煩等)
- Make sb do sth. My mother often makes me do housework. 我媽經常讓我做家務活。
- In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy. 在正面碰撞中,汽車前端會變形,來吸收撞擊能量。
- What makes sb behave in the way he does? 某人這樣做的原因是什麼?
- Ignoring the Duke, Ogilvie waved the unlighted cigar under his adversary 's adversary 's nose. 他不理睬公爵,手裡拿著那支尚未點燃的雪茄在公爵夫人的鼻子底下揮了一揮。
- Under sb.'s nose: just in front of sb. The thief walked out of the museum with the painting right under the guards' nose. 小偷正是在警衛的眼皮底下拿著那幅油畫走出了博物館。
- Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind(= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). 有時候為了某人好你就得對他狠。
- Indeed, even when children masturbated themselves, their families saw it as a 「natural」 relief from discomfort like scratching or blowing one』s nose. 甚至當孩子們自己手淫時,他們的家人把這當作由於不舒適時的「正常」緩解,像撓痒痒或擤鼻涕那樣。
- Make sb lose Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going at intervals. 顧客有時來了又去,去了又來,因此像這樣討價還價的情形有可能持續一整天,甚至好幾天。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集體或某項活動之外的。
- For this, the State Council already enjoined concerned ministries and commissions the cancer make sb the first aim of attack to this one overgrowth. 而這僅僅是全國眾多名山被以別墅為代表的房地產大肆吞噬的一個縮影。為此,國務院已責成有關部委向這一瘋長的毒瘤開刀。
- How did Svend come to own this dog with a detective\'s nose?He picked Rolf from a litter of seven pups because Rolf had the biggest head and snuffled more eagerly along the ground. 在羅爾夫只有五個月大的時候,它第一次找到了一件失物棗斯文德鄰居的一塊表,經過一年精心的訓練,羅爾夫成了一個職業尋物狗,可以開始應活了。
- Does my clavicle tail end smash on sexual fracture make sb the first aim of attack how should armor plate take exercise what to eat with the attention? 我鎖骨尾端粉碎性骨折開刀上了鋼板應該怎麼鍛煉跟注意吃什麼?
- A small cut is opening on the skin in this process, accordingly, not make sb the first aim of attack is impossible apparently, it is blade has volume only just. 在這個過程中是會在皮膚上開一個小切口的,因此,不開刀顯然是不可能,只是刀口有大小而已。
- Make sb pay through the nose; Put the lug on; Rob by a trick 敲竹杠
- He quirked up his nose to make a face. 他鼻子一揚作了個鬼臉。
- If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear. 要想賺錢就得賤買貴賣。
- Get up sb.'s nose have a bad nose 鼻子不靈,嗅覺不敏銳