- make sb.'s blood freeze (=make sb.'s blood creep) 使某人不寒而慄,使某人毛骨悚然
- The thought of that air crash makes the blood creep. 一想到那次空難就會心驚膽戰。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集體或某項活動之外的。
- I was tempted to pass the buck (= make sb else responsible). 我很想把責任推給別人。
- Make sb unconscious(by striking him,with an anaesthetic,etc. 使某人失去知覺(予以打擊、使用麻醉劑等)
- Make sb undergo or suffer(inconvenience,trouble,etc. 使某人遭(不便、麻煩等)
- What makes sb behave in the way he does? 某人這樣做的原因是什麼?
- Make sb do sth. My mother often makes me do housework. 我媽經常讓我做家務活。
- Instantly the blood crept warmly over her body. 血液立刻溫暖地流遍了她的全身。
- Methods: Pig s blood serum was used to make model rats with immunity damaged liver fibrosis.The effect of Wumei Pill on pathological state of liver tissue of immunity liver-fibrosis model rats. 方法選用豬血清誘導免疫損傷性肝纖維化模型,觀察烏梅丸對免疫性肝纖維化模型大鼠肝組織病理形態的影響,分析烏梅丸的治療作用,並以西藥秋水仙鹼、中藥小柴胡湯作對照。
- Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind(= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). 有時候為了某人好你就得對他狠。
- Make sb lose Bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going at intervals. 顧客有時來了又去,去了又來,因此像這樣討價還價的情形有可能持續一整天,甚至好幾天。
- Now it is possible to study a child' s blood and tell if the child will develop diabetes. 現在有可能檢查一個孩子的血液並斷定這孩子會不會得糖尿
- An autopsy report showed that Mr.Albrecht』s blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. 在驗屍報告中顯示,當時,阿布雷徹先生血液中的酒精含量是法律限制酒精含量的三倍之多。
- For this, the State Council already enjoined concerned ministries and commissions the cancer make sb the first aim of attack to this one overgrowth. 而這僅僅是全國眾多名山被以別墅為代表的房地產大肆吞噬的一個縮影。為此,國務院已責成有關部委向這一瘋長的毒瘤開刀。
- Does my clavicle tail end smash on sexual fracture make sb the first aim of attack how should armor plate take exercise what to eat with the attention? 我鎖骨尾端粉碎性骨折開刀上了鋼板應該怎麼鍛煉跟注意吃什麼?
- Stem cells from a donor are transfused into the patient』s blood after chemotherapy ends. 供體的(造血)幹細胞在化療結束后輸入患者血液。
- A 47-year-old male had the habit of drinking uncooked fresh deer』s blood and unpasteurized deer』s milk. 在一次急性的腹痛造成他必須接受緊急剖腹手術,病理髮現為結核性腸炎及結腸穿孔。
- Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person\'s blood pressure. 研究人員發現,與動物為伍能夠降低人的血壓。