- It will make a full day's march. 這要一整天的行程。
- David Mao who is also the Senior Consultant of Davis Wright Tremaine made a full day speech with Mr. 茅律師以其豐富的經驗,具體闡述了外國公司如何在中國投資和貿易的法律事務。
- They decided to make a full exploration of the accident. 他們決定對事故做一次全盤研究。
- Efforts and confidence combine to make a full man. 努力與信心結合造就完人。
- How long will it take to make a full recovery? 多久才能全部復元?
- You had better make a full confession. 你最好坦白交待。
- She expected the boy to make a full recovery. 她預期男童可以完全康復。
- We anticipated their (making a) complaint by writing a full report. 我們沒等他們(提出)投訴而搶先寫好了一份詳盡的報告。
- Against all (the) odds, he made a full recovery. 在凶多吉少的情形下,他終於完全康復了。
- I made a full and frank explanation to the court. 我對堂上直話直說,從頭到尾解釋了一番。
- A full belly makes a dull brain. 吃得太飽,獃頭獃腦。
- Are You making a full end to the remnant of Israel? 你要將以色列余剩的人滅絕凈盡么?
- Cold May and a windy month makes a full barn. 五月涼風吹,穀物堆滿囤。
- To make a full statement of(dutiable goods,for example). 申報(例如,可納稅品)
- There is now no possibility that she will make a full recovery. 她現在已不可能完全康復。
- To make a full statement of(dutiable goods,for example. 申報(例如,可納稅品)
- She must make a full use of her speed to win a medal. 她必須充分利用她的速度來贏得獎牌。
- To make a full statement of(dutiable goods, for example). 申報(例如,可納稅品)
- Retired wokers do not have enough capital to make a full purchase. 退休工人沒有充分資金全額購買。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他將一片麵包對摺做成三明治