- We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe. 我們都懷著敬畏之心傾聽著這位德高望重的學者的講話。
- Feeling reverence, dread, or awe. 敬畏的感到尊敬,害怕或崇拜的
- We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees. 高聳入雲的巨杉令我們驚嘆不已。
- Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe. 她初見金字塔時,敬畏之感油然而生。
- The children stared at the teacher with awe. 孩子很敬畏地凝視著老師。
- Managed the employees in an aloof, magisterial way. 以冷漠專斷的態度來對待這些僱員
- I was/lived in awe of my father until I was at least fifteen. 我至少在十五歲以前一直懼怕父親。
- An unsought pathos came hand in hand with awe. 與恐懼相隨而來的是一種意想不到的悲愴。
- He gazed with an awe and passionate reverence. 他帶著畏懼然而熱烈的敬意凝視著。
- We always stand in awe of our manager. 我們對經理總是敬而遠之。
- No difficulty could awe these young men. 任何困難都嚇不倒這些年輕人。
- The students stood in awe of their teacher. 這些學生對他們的老師十分敬畏。
- To control or subdue by inspiring awe. 嚇服,嚇倒通過激起敬畏而控制或嚇服
- The knowledge and the awe made him savage. 這種想法和懼怕使他勃然大怒。
- The Israel Philharmonic were in awe of the music. 以色列愛樂樂團對這音樂感到了敬畏。
- Of or relating to a magistrate;magisterial. 和地方行政官有關的;師長的
- My brother was much older and cleverer than me so I always held him in awe. 我哥哥比我大得多也比我聰明得多,所以我始終對他懷有敬畏之心。
- I stand corrected. We stand in awe of the view. 我是正確的,我們對那場景都很害怕
- Of or relating to a magistrate; magisterial. 和地方行政官有關的;師長的
- An object of fear, awe, or reverence. 令人害怕、敬畏或恐懼的對象