- n. 機器;做事效率高的人;工具;車輛
- v. 以機器製造
n. (名詞)
- 機器,機床,機械裝置
- (投幣)自動售貨機
- 機動車,汽車,摩托車,(海濱浴場)更衣車
- 機動器械
- 機器人般工作的人,呆板的人
- 複雜的機構,工作體系
- 政黨組織,領導核心,核心組織
- (人或動物的)身體,器官
- 打字機,計算機,錄音機,印刷機等
- (古時)製造舞台效果的裝置
- 大型油畫
- <俚>陰莖,陰莖套,男用避孕套
- 用機器做
- <英>用縫紉機製作
- 用機械加工
- 使定型,使統一尺度,使標準化
- 機器的,機械的
- 機制的,機械加工的
- 標準化的
- 老一套的
- 核心組織的,領導核心的
n. (名詞)
- [C]機器,機械 an instrument or apparatus which uses power, such as electricity to perform work
- vt. 用機器製造,用機器加工 make or produce by machine, especially in sewing and printing; produce according to exact measurements
any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks
an efficient person;
"the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine"
an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently;
"the war machine"
a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point
a group that controls the activities of a political party;
"he was endorsed by the Democratic machine"
a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine;
"he needs a car to get to work"
turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery
make by machinery;
"The Americans were machining while others still hand-made cars"
用作名詞 (n.)
- This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use.
這機器是為水下使用而特別改裝的。 - My mother-in-law has a sewing machine.
我婆婆有一台縫紉機。 - The team is a well-oiled machine right now.
這個團隊現在運轉十分良好。 - He criticized those who had turned politics into a money machine.
他指責那些將政治轉變為賺錢工具的人。 - That's a mean machine you've got there.
用作動詞 (v.)
- It will take less time to machine the curtains than to sew them by hand.
用作名詞 (n.)
- build a machine 製造機器
- control a machine 控制機器
- design a machine 設計機器
- fix a machine 安裝機器
- fuel a machine 給機器加油
- have a machine in operation 使機器運轉
- look after machine 看管機器
- manage a machine 操縱機器
- oil a machine 給機器上油
- operate a machine 操作機器
- pilot a machine 操縱機器
- put together a machine 安裝機器
- run a machine 操作機器
- shut down a machine 關機器
- take a machine to pieces 拆卸機器
- take down a machine 拆機器
- calculating machine 計算機
- copying machine 複印機
- earth-moving machine 推土機
- hand-operated machine 手工操作的機器
- milking machine 擠奶機
- powerful machine 大功率機器
- printing machine 印刷機
- sewing machine 縫紉機
- washing machine 洗衣機
- word-processing machine 文字處理機
- political machine 政治機構
- farm machine 農業機械
- money-access machine 存取款機
- X-ray machineX 光透視機
- party machine 黨的機構
- state machine 國家機器
- machine gun 機關槍
- machine language 機器語言,計算機語言
- machine tool 機床
- made by machine 機械製造的
- life of a machine 機器的壽命
- teams of machines 成套的機器
用作動詞 (v.)
- machine advantageously 有利地用機器加工
- machine automatically 自動地用機器加工
- machine completely 完全用機器加工
- machine conditionally 有條件地用機器加工
- machine confidently 滿懷信心地用機器加工
- machine critically 緊急地用機器加工
- machine directly 直接用機器加工
- machine extensively 大規模地用機器加工
- machine finally 最終用機器加工
- machine fitly 適度地用機器加工
- machine hastily 草率地用機器加工
- machine impossibly 不可能用機器加工
- machine laudably 值得讚許地用機器加工
- machine logically 合理地用機器加工
- machine marvelously 奇迹般地用機器製造
- machine mechanically 機械地用機器製造
- machine particularly 特別地用機器製造
- machine persistently 固執地用機器製造
- machine punctually 準時用機器製造
- machine scientifically 科學地用機器製造
- machine secretly 秘密地用機器製造
- machine strictly 嚴格地用機器製造
- machine systematically 有規律地用機器製造
- machine unconditionally 無條件地用機器製造
- machine unwillingly 勉強用機器製造
- machine widely 大規模地用機器製造
To each mortal peradventure earth becomes a new machine.
出自: Browning -
Rather than mould the cap and barrel..we machine them..from a solid block.
- agency
- agent
- apparatus
- appliance
- contrivance
- device
- engine
- gadget
- instrument
- machinery
- structure
- tool