- Du Fu was not only a patriot, but also a loyal and considerate husband, a father loving his children ardently. 杜甫不僅是一名愛國者,也是一個忠誠體貼的丈夫,一位深愛子女的好父親。
- The Effect of the Doctrine of the Loyal and Considerate on Prisoner Correction 論運用忠恕之道理念矯正罪犯心理
- A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate. 親信忠心而受信任的隨從或部屬
- She was straightforward, loyal and brave. 她單純、誠實,而又勇敢。
- Flexible, hardworking, loyal and responsible. 頭腦靈活、作努力、誠並有強烈的責任心。
- Be loyal and supportive of your boss. 對老闆忠誠;而且要支持你的老闆.
- In fact he is very kind and considerate. 實際上,他很體貼人微、善解人意。
- She is loyal and totally dependable. 她很忠誠,完全值得信賴。
- Dogs are loyal and never forsake their master. 狗很忠誠,從不背叛它的主人。
- Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. 馬克思是一位溫和、慈祥、寬厚的父親。
- He is a very loyal and capable employee. 他是一個非常忠誠和能幹的員工。
- Fair, open, responsible and considerate. 為人正直,公平,性格開朗,工作負責,慮事周全。
- Loyalists are loyal and faithful friends. 是個值得依靠的朋友。
- He is soft-hearted and considerate. 他仁慈而體貼。
- I like the dog that is alert, loyal and active. 我喜歡警覺、忠誠並且活躍的狗。
- Because of your gentleness and considerate. 因為你的溫柔體貼。
- He is a very good and considerate husband. 他是一個非常體貼的好丈夫。
- Solicitous and considerate than you. 關心我幫助我。
- As for Lester, he was affectionate and considerate. 雷斯脫呢,對他也是多情的,顧念的。
- He is loyal and devoted to both his people and country. 他對自己的人民和祖國忠心耿耿。