- look ahead field 先行欄位, 預觀欄位
- Just look ahead and you'll see a pagoda. 向前望去,你就可以看到一座寶塔。
- The designers should look ahead. 設計師應當向前看。
- Look ahead in the distance, and you can see the lights of the village. 你往遠處看,便可以看見村莊里的燈光。
- Farmers are looking ahead to a prosperous year. 農民們在展望一個豐收之年。
- Line like a PLA man; Look ahead in great spirit. 排隊要像解放軍,昂首挺胸向前看。
- The past is past.Let us look ahead. 過去的事已成過去, 讓我們向前看吧。
- Look ahead, Rat!' cried the Mole suddenly. 「當心前面,河鼠!」鼴鼠忽地驚叫一聲。
- We must look ahead before we make a decision. 我們作出決定之前必須想得遠一點。
- Barbara: OK, look ahead, where you're goanna be? 芭芭拉:好吧,展望未來,你有何打算?
- The wise states-man can look ahead for the inevitable reaction. 聰明的政治家能預測出不可避免的反應。
- I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story. 我展望前頭,紐約的高樓大廈在我前面升起,似乎是從童話故事的篇章中出現的一座城市。
- We must look ahead before we go further in the matter. 在進一步進行這件事之前,我們必須為將來考慮。
- We should look ahead and spare a thought for future generations. 我們應該向前看,應該多為下一代著想。
- Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years' time? 你是否想過五年後你要做些什麽?
- You must look ahead before you go further in the matter. 你在進一步處理這件事情之前,必須想得遠一點。
- We must now look ahead to Thursday night game against Sacramento. 現在我們必需向前看,那就是周四晚與國王的比賽。
- He was looking ahead vigilantly. 他警惕地注視著前方。
- We are looking ahead to a prosperous year. 我們預料將會有興旺的一年。
- We looked ahead and saw a huge building. 我們向前望,看到一座高大的樓房。