- Look down one's nose at sb or sth 我向來瞧不起
- You should not look down your nose at him. 你不應該瞧不起他。
- to look down one's nose at sb/sth [inf] 小看某人/某事
- Look down one's nose at sb. 一副居高臨下的樣子,表示瞧不起某人。
- He looked down his nose at the offer. 他對這個建議嗤之以鼻。
- give oneself airs and look down one's nose at everybody 趾高氣揚,目中無人
- Mary looks down her nose at people in business. 瑪麗瞧不起做生意的人。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 這些評論家們都輕視這部小說。
- I gave the dog some lovely steak, and he just looked down his nose at it! 我給狗一些挺好的肉排,可它卻看不上。
- His mother looks down her nose at his wife. 他母親不把他妻子放在眼裡。
- look down one's nose atv. 看不起
- He always looked down his nose at snobs. 他一向瞧不起勢利小人。
- He always looks down his nose at other people. 他總是凌駕於他人之上。
- The natives look down their noses at foreigners. 這些本地人看不起外國人。
- The rich often look down their noses at the poor. 有錢人常常看不起窮人。
- My father looks down his nose at spoiled professional athletes. 我的父親看不起被慣壞了的職業運動員。
- Just look at the airs she's giving herself, looking down her nose at everybody. 簡直是目中無人。
- I gave the dog some lovely steak,and he just looked down his nose at it! 我給狗一些挺好的肉排; 可它卻看不上.
- The well-dressed woman looked down her nose at my jeans and sneakers. 那個衣著光鮮的女子輕蔑地打量我的牛仔褲和球鞋。
- Year-round residents here look down their noses at the summer people. 終年居住在此的人傲慢地對待避暑的人