- Admittedly being cautious really matters. But if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions, nothing can be done/ achieved. 舉例1:誠然謹慎的確重要,但是如果在採取行動之前我們總是瞻前顧後,那麼什麼事也做不了。
- Look Check if it is safe to manoeuvre; look ahead and look behind. 環顧四周:察看是否安全;望前及望后。
- Just look ahead and you'll see a pagoda. 向前望去,你就可以看到一座寶塔。
- Look Ahead and Behind at the Turning Point of the New Century Replace the Old One 世紀之交的瞻前顧後
- We should look ahead and spare a thought for future generations. 我們應該向前看,應該多為下一代著想。
- We are trying to look ahead and see what our options are. 我們努力著眼於未來,看我們有什麼選擇。
- Noe we have to look ahead and we need to win against Messina. 現在我們必須向前看,我們需要戰勝梅西納。
- We looked ahead and saw a huge building. 我們向前望,看到一座高大的樓房。
- If only she had looked ahead and planned better! 要是她能為將來做更好的打算該多好啊!
- We looked ahead and saw a beautiful garden. 我們向前望,看到一座美麗的花園。
- He looked ahead and saw a boundless stretch of grassland. 他放眼望去,只見一望無際的大草原。
- It's time you looked ahead and made plans for your retirement. 是你為以後想一想並對退休后的生活做出安排的時候了。
- Instead, time is a rigid, bonelike structure, extending infinitely ahead and behind, fossilizing the future as well as the past. 時間是個僵直的結構,向前向後無盡地延伸,使將來和過去硬邦邦。
- It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret. 回顧過去而憂傷不如展望未來去計劃。
- Everyone should look ahead and save a little money each year for his retirement. 每個人都應為將來計劃,每年為退休存點錢。
- Put your feet on the pedals. Hold on to the handlebars. Look ahead and steer your bike straight forward! 兒子學騎自行車,提醒他:「腳放踏板上,握緊車把,眼睛看前方,注意把好方向。」
- In this business, it's very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen. 在這個行業,考慮和預言未來會發生什麼事是非常難得。
- What we need to do for the Chinese civilization is not to lie on past glories, but to look ahead and round. 中國文明需要我們做的不是躺在過去的輝煌上睡大覺,而是放眼向前看,向周圍看。
- The road stretches in frond of and behind the car . 那條路在車子的前面和後面伸展著。
- They went ahead and sold it behind my back. 他們徑自背著我把它賣了。