- LFA offers the potential for TAGOS ships to make longer range detections of quiet submarines. LFA 提供潛能讓 TAGOS 船使較長的範圍成為安靜潛水艇的發現。
- Long Range Detecting and Ranging "羅達"
- long range detection 遠距離檢測
- Long range attack in aiming stance. 較遠距離外瞄準射擊。
- Now they have all these long range Grad missiles. 現在他們竟然擁有各種遠程火箭炮。
- Prospects were bright only in their long range aspect. 光明遠景尚有一悠長距離。
- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move100 lb./ level at long range. 高等心靈遙控:遠距離移動最多100磅/級的物品。
- For long range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats and li. 救生艇和救生筏長距離的遇險信號。
- Cut down on remaining occurances of long range headers on goal. 去掉了仍然存在的超遠距離頭槌射門的問題。
- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move 100 lb./level at long range. 高等心靈遙控:遠距離移動最多100磅/等級的物品。
- Telekinesis. Lift or move 25lb./level at long range. 心靈遙控:遠距離移動最多25磅/等級的物品。
- The Enforcer was on a new attack run, firing at long range. 強擊機又發起一輪攻勢,在遠距離上開火。
- Most long range locators are designed using RC timing circuits. 最遠距離定位設計,使用鋼筋混凝土的時間電路。
- An arithmetic device with low power consumption includes master latches, a dynamic range detection unit, slave latches, an operation unit, and a word-length restoration unit. 一種低功率消耗的算術裝置,其利用輸入主級閂、動態?圍偵測單元、控制轉換仆級閂、運算單元、位元數還原單元以構成。
- Longshot: Mastering long range archery makes an army archer even more deadly. 遠射:掌握遠程箭術使得一位軍人箭手更為致命。
- He can kill a stag at a longer range than anyone else I know. 他能在很遠的地方射殺牡鹿,其距離之遠,在我認識的人當中,無人可比。
- Over the long range, the most important thing for us to do is a general reform. 從長遠來看,我們應做的最重要的事情是實行全面的改革。
- After that, according to the vision range finding principle, we design monocular vision range detection method for highway based on the theory of lane rebuilding and clairvoyance projection. 基於視覺測距原理,在分道線重建和透視投影原理的理論基礎上,建立了一種針對高速公路的單目視覺距離測量方法。
- This can open up to your window to a endless amount of long range combos. 這可以在你的操作中開啟無盡的遠射組合。