- On the Frequency Characteristic-based Measurement of Inertia Time Constant 基於頻率特性的慣性時間常數測量方法研究
- inertia time constant 慣性時間常數
- Used in low signal and time constant circuits. 適用於低信號電路、時間常數電路。
- As the inertia moment of supercritical steam turbine is large,and the time constant of rotor speedup is small,the overspeed protection system is very important for unit itself. 超臨界汽輪機轉子由於轉動慣量大,轉子飛升時間常數小,所以對它進行超速保護尤為重要。
- Measure capacitance value in Farad unit by RC time constant operation. 用RC時間持續運轉來測量法拉單位的電容值。
- The relation between initial susceptibility and frequency has been studied by the comparison of inertia time to Debye time. 在慣性馳豫時間與德拜時間的對比中;研究了初始磁化率隨頻率的變化關係以及隨約化溫度的變化關係.
- Ringing can be eliminated by increasing the desired closed-loop time constant. 可以通過增大期望閉環時間常數來消除振鈴現象。
- This low time constant is consistent with the stability requirements of close-loop control systems. 這低時間常數是符合閉迴路控制系統中穩定性的要求的。
- The current, however, decays rapidly since the circuit has a small time constant. 但是,因為電路具有很小的時間常數,所以這電流又迅速減小。
- Nonpolarized capacitor C1 and potentiometer R2, a linear taper, determine the time constant of integrator IC1B. 無極性電容C1和線性錐形電位器R2決 定積分器IC1B的時間常數。
- Sampling frequency and time constant of phase-locked amplifier were increased by using microcomputer. 採用計算機採樣,提高了採樣頻率和鎖相放大器的時間常數。
- We use a single time constant (STC) circuit to substitute the voltage-controlled filter. 我們把電壓控制濾波器以單一時間常數電路代替。
- Lastly a proper delay time constant is selected and the simulation result of strapdown guidance system is given. 最後,綜合各種條件的影響,選擇了適當的時間常數,並給出了系統性能的模擬結果。
- The reference current at HREF also defines the integration time constant of the vertical sync integration. 叄考涌流在 HREF 也定義整合時間垂直同步整合的常數。
- Suitable for high stablity circuits,such as oscillatory circuits and time constant circuits,etc. 樹脂包封標準品,穩定性高。適用於高穩定線路,如振蕩迴路、時間常數等迴路。
- By using the pulse control, thisproblem has been resolved, which give a rence to similar conttoled object with largepure delayed time constant. 用脈動調節規律較好地解決這一問題,對類似的大純滯后時間常數的被控制對象的控制有參考意義。
- Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong. 無所作為和驕傲自滿的論點都是錯誤的。
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一種懶洋洋的感覺。
- Two methods of designing compensating time constant of PSS that two-point fit and four-point fit are expressed in this paper. 本文提出了採用兩點擬合法和四點擬合法來設計PSS的補償時間常數,推導了兩點擬合法的計算公式和四點擬合法的計算機求解方法。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把繞在卡車上貨物外面的繩子紮緊。