- Greatness is an eminence, the ascent to which is steep and lofty. 偉大是一種聲譽,攀登上去是陡峭而險峻的。
- A labyrinth of rules and regulations. 錯綜複雜的規章和制度
- Read up the rules and you will see that I am right. 只要仔細讀一讀規則,你就會明白我是對的。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method. 他準備對死板的規則與方式大鬧一番。
- I am Victor Dragon, clement and lofty. 我是大飛龍,高貴又寬容。
- I hate being fettered by petty rules and regulations. 我討厭受清規戒律的束縛。
- Greatness is an eminence,the ascent to which is steep and lofty. 偉大是一種聲譽,攀登上去是陡峭而險峻的。
- A strong and lofty wall girdled it in.This wall had gates of iron. 四圍是堅固的高牆,有兩扇鐵門嚴防死守。
- Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. 規則與謙遜會毀掉天才和藝術。
- They are hedged in with rules and regulations. 他們受到各種條條框框的限制。
- The company made a number of rules and regulations. 公司制定了若干條規章制度。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rules and methods. 他準備對死板的規則與方式大鬧一番。
- Let's stretch the rules and leave work early. 咱們靈活掌握規定,早點下班吧。
- James bent the rules and left work early yesterday. 昨天詹姆斯違章早退。
- Let us stretch the rules and leave work early . 咱們靈活掌握規定,早點下班吧。
- Enacting and improving rules and regulations. 制定、完善法律法規。
- He hates the labyrinth of rules and regulations. 他討厭錯綜複雜的規章制度。
- No one can flout the rules and get away with it. 誰也不能違反這些規則而不被處分。
- H&T staff are benevolent, innovative with pioneering spirit and lofty pursuits. 我們是有愛心、有開拓創新精神、有崇高追求的華聯通人。
- See reverse for full rules and conditions. 詳細規則條款看背頁。