- log-linearlog-linear
- 在上表中列出的大多數列(Illustration表中的Diagram列除外)都是類型化的xml列。Most of the columns listed in the previous table, except the Diagram column in the Illustration table, are typed xml columns.
- linear tube (硅靶)線性攝像管
- Illustration表的Diagram列將關係圖存儲為XML關係圖,並說明如何執行特定的生產任務。The Diagram column of the Illustration table stores diagrams as XML diagrams and shows how a specific manufacturing task is performed.
- total linear spacing (魚雷的)總間隔
- 本文所研究的事件序列圖(Event Sequence Diagram,ESD)即是一個具有廣闊工程應用前景的分析方法。The Event Sequence Diagram (BSD) studied in the paper is such a method that has a broad future in engineering applications.
- linear regression in Z ×C table線性回歸 Z×C 表
- 介紹了涉及集合笛卡兒積(Cartesian product)的運算性質討論的一種類似於文氏圖(Venn diagram)的方法.This paper introduce the method which deals the operate nature of set with Cartesian product, and it is similar to Venn diagraph in set theory.
- linear regression in 2×c table 2xo表線性回歸
- Miners linear damage theory邁因納線性損傷理論
- 失效評定圖(Failure Assessment Diagram,FAD)方法是進行管道ECA評估非常有效的方法,該方法是英國中央電力局(CEGB)首先提出的。The failure assessment diagram (FAD) method is very effective to the EGA of the pipelines.
- 「C/LINEAR是一個沒有人為因素的實驗,」維沃說。"C/LiNEAR was terrific natural experiment," Weaver said.
- 二元判決圖BDD(Binary Decision Diagram)是邏輯布爾函數的一種高效表示方法,在計算機科學以及數字電路與系統等領域中有廣泛的應用。BDD( Binary Decision Diagram)is the state-of-the-art data structure in logic function. It is widely used in the fields of computer science and digital circuit and system.
- 目前最合理的猜測是C/LINEAR不同尋常的脆弱是它滅亡的原因。The best guess for now is that C/LINEAR's unusual delicacy was its downfall .
- 在創建了WebSphere Integration Developer服務組件后,您可以使用Assembly Diagram將其連接到其他服務組件,以創建一個無縫集成的應用程序。After you create the WebSphere Integration Developer service component, you can then use the Assembly Diagram to wire it to other service components to create a seamless integrated application.
- 然而如果更多的慧星構成象C/LINEAR一樣,那麼這一假設就需要修正。If more comets turn out to be like C/LINEAR, however, that hypothesis may require revision.
- 慧星偶爾會分裂,但在記載中沒有任何一顆慧星象C/LINEAR那樣完全瓦解。Comets split apart occasionally, but no other comet on record has thoroughly disintegrated, as C/LINEAR did.
- 或許有關C/LINEAR最奇特的地方在於,它並不象科學家們預測的那樣突然爆炸。Perhaps the weirdest thing of all about C/LINEAR is that it didn't explode all at once,as scientists would have predicted.
- 或許有關C/LINEAR最奇特的地方在於它並不象科學家們預測的那樣突然爆炸。Perhaps the weirdest thing of all about C/LINEAR is that it didn't explode all at once, as scientists would have predicted.
- 而慧星C/LINEAR使我們有機會觀察到它的內部,就好象把雞蛋打破,仔細地觀察它的結構。」With Comet C/LINEAR, we were given an opportunity to look inside, break the egg open, and check it out," said Science author Hal Weaver of Johns Hopkins University