disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
用作名詞 (n.)
The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty. 跛行的蝦衝動實現強制的職責。
When you dance it you look like you're limping, which is an explanation the Dominicans give for its origin. 跳梅倫格舞時,看起來就像是在跛行,這是多米尼加人對梅倫格舞由來的一種解釋。
It took her several seconds to be sure that the figure limping his way across the square was the rejecting lover of her imagination. 她先是一愣,然後才看出那步履蹣跚越過廣場的身影,是想象中已離她而去的情人。
But he was noticeably limping by the fourth quarter and finally hobbled off the court in the final minute, with the outcome decided. 但在第四節,他明顯一瘸一拐並最終在大局已定的情況下蹣跚著離開賽場。