causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm;
"a dangerous operation"
"a grave situation"
"a grave illness"
"grievous bodily harm"
"a serious wound"
"a serious turn of events"
"a severe case of pneumonia"
"a life-threatening disease"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
DWI has become a growing threat to life in Taiwan. 在台灣醉酒駕車成為日益威脅生命的重要因素。
Prompt diagnosis and appropriate management of subperiosteal abscess are essential to not only avoid life threatening complications but also preserve visual acuity of the patient. 立即診斷和適當處置是避免威脅生命的併發症和維持病人視力所必需的。
On the other hand, laparoscopic repair can be associated with life?threatening, and in some instances, fatal complications. 與傳統方法和無張力方法不同,腹腔鏡方法卻可能伴隨著嚴重,甚至致命的併發症。
Only lottery tickets and petrol outsell Britain's favourite fruit - and now a deadly fungus is threatening its existence. 只有樂透券和汽油的銷售量勝過英國最受歡迎的水果,但現在一種致命的真菌正在威脅其生存。