- lie upon one's arms 枕戈待旦(休息時也把武器放在身旁)
- A blister will rise upon one's tongue that tells a lie. 說謊話的人,舌上要生瘡。
- They seem to lie upon us like a deep flood. 它象一股深深的洪流淹著我們。
- The neighboring nations warred upon one another for over a decade. 這幾個鄰國互相打了十多年仗。
- The sportsman' s arm is never free from pain. 這個運動員一直在遭受手臂疼痛的痛苦。
- As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it. 直譯是『自己鋪的床自己睡』,意思則是『自作自受』。
- She pressed her friend 's arm tightly. 她緊緊握住朋友的手臂
- lie upon one's guard 警戒; 提防
- Mary 's arm pillowed the baby 's head . 嬰兒枕在瑪麗的臂上。
- The child griped his mother』s arm. 這個孩子緊握者他媽媽的手臂。
- Your success lies upon your effort. 你成功與否取決於你的努力。
- Our thoughts centre upon one idea. 我們的思想集中在一個主意上。
- Farm upon one's own land farmhand n. 庄稼人,種地的人;僱農;農場工人。
- I believe they fall upon one another blindly. 我認為他們瞎了眼似地一個跌倒在另一個身上。
- If you lie upon roses when young,you'll lie upon thorn when old. 少卧玫瑰叢,老卧荊棘叢。
- The entrance opened: BlueBeard caught Fatima』s arm. 門打開了,藍鬍子抓住法蒂瑪的胳膊。
- You might also be dependent upon one vendor. 這還可能取決於供應商。
- If you lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorn when old. 少卧玫瑰叢,老卧荊棘叢。
- Old age creeps upon one unawares. 不知不覺老年就來臨了。
- You lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。