- He lay stretched out as if dead. 他伸直了躺著好像死去的樣子。
- On a makeshift couch against one wall a girl lay stretched out. 靠在一面牆上的一張簡陋睡椅上平躺著一個姑娘。
- The cat lay stretched out beside the fire in sleepy content. 那隻貓伸展四肢躺在爐邊睡得很滿足。
- help the patient to lie stretched out 讓病人躺平
- Yea, even the horned snails lay stretched out on grey stones with their houses on their backs. 可不是嗎,就連長著觸角的蝸牛也馱著各自的窩棚,在青石上伸展開來。
- She stretched out her hand for the dictionary. 她伸手拿字典。
- The column, four abreast, stretched out over one kilometre. 隊伍4個人一行,長達1公里以上。
- The days stretch out in an endless vista. 時日在無窮的展望中延展著。
- He stood as high as he could, and slowly stretched out his arm. 他極力把身體踮高,慢慢伸出手臂來。
- He lies there groan like a prisoner stretch out on the rack. 他躺在那裡呻吟,就像一個囚犯被綁在肢刑架上。
- He couldn't stretch out his money to the end of the month. 他的錢花不到月底。
- Stretched out or lying at full length along the ground; prone. 平伸的整個長度伸展或平放在地面上的; 與地面齊平的
- Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see. 遼闊的草原一望無邊。
- he lay stretched out on the bed; stretched her calves before running 他伸直了躺在床上;在起跑之前她伸了伸小腿
- The child stretched out for the cookie. 小孩伸手拿點心。
- He stretched out his arm to take the book. 他伸出手臂去拿書。
- The felled boxer lay stretched on the canvas. 被打倒的拳擊手四肢張開躺在拳擊地板上。
- Stretching out, he caught the child before it fell. 那小孩摔倒前,他伸手抓住了他。
- The sea stretched out as far as I could see. 大海一直延伸到我目光所能及之處。
- Broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us. 廣闊的原野在我們兩旁伸展開來。