- The books lay in a heap on the floor. 書堆放在地板上。
- His books lay in a heap on the floor of the living room. 他的書疊成一堆放在客廳的地板上。
- His clothes lay in a heap on the floor. 他的衣服堆在地板上。
- The tower collapsed in a heap of ruin. 那座塔倒塌了,成了一堆廢墟。
- The tug of war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap. 拔河比賽以兩邊的人都倒在一堆而告終。
- A heap of old clothes was lying in the corner. 一堆舊衣服堆在角落裡。
- He fall down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. 他從樓梯上摔下來,直跌到樓梯底部滾成一團。
- He fell down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. 他從樓梯上摔下來,直跌到樓梯底部滾成一團。
- Their papers were mixed up in a heap on the desk. 他們的論文在課桌上亂成一堆。
- Uprooted trees and fallen power poles lay in a heap after a tornado swept through Americus, Georgia. 一場龍捲風肆虐喬治亞州阿梅里克斯市后,連根拔起的樹木和倒下的電杆積壓成堆。
- All the books lay together in a heap. 所有的書都堆在一起。
- Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor. 他們的衣服雜亂地堆在地板上。
- Home, I seem to be busy catching up or just collapsing in a heap for. 回家后,我似乎整天都忙於補瞌睡,要麼就是不擇地點地一坐下來就打盹。
- To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel. 待在或躺在狗窩或類似狗窩的地方
- You sit or lie in a relaxed position. 你坐著或躺下,在一個寬鬆的立場。
- He collapsed in a heap on the floor. 他重重地倒在地板上。
- Represents a heap or b-tree involved in a deadlock. 表示死鎖所涉及的堆或b樹。
- He lay in a sprawl over the desk. 他手腳攤開趴在書桌上。
- Points to the last page in a heap when. 指向堆中的最後一頁。
- She lay in a hammock to have a rest. 她躺在吊床上休息一會。