- leave behind a subject for ridicule 留下了話柄
- He yapped on the subject for hours. 他就那個問題羅嗦了好幾個鐘頭。
- Which is the most interesting subject for you? 哪個科目對你來說最有趣?
- A cause or subject for laughter. 笑因,笑者笑的原因或對象
- He makes an easy target for ridicule. 他很容易就成為人們嘲弄的目標。
- She has been wrestling with this subject for two hours. 她鑽研這個問題已經兩個小時了。
- British historian noted for ridicule of bureaucracies (1909- ). 英國以嘲笑官僚主義作風而著稱的歷史學家(1909-)。
- A few years ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate. 幾年之前,社會學是大學本科生最歡迎的課程。
- Eva cast around for a good subject for her report. 伊娃在為她的報告苦思一個好題目。
- He is a good subject for research into hypnosis. 他很適合做催眠術研究的受試對象。
- She is a good subject for treatment by hypnosis. 她很適合做催眠治療法的受試對象。
- A subject for discussion or analysis. 主題討論或分析的主題
- We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment. 我們需要幾個男子作心理學實驗對象。
- They have studied this subject for a long time. 他們研究這一課題已有很長時間了。
- subject for ridicule 奚落的對象
- They have worked at this subject for many years. 他們研究這門學科已經有好多年了。
- subject for ridicule; handle 話柄
- We disputed with them about the subject for hours. 我們就該問題與他們辯論了幾小時。
- A few years ago, sociology was the most popular subject for undergraduates. 幾年之前,社會學是大學本科生最歡迎的課程。
- It was not a subject for rejoicings at that time. 這不是當時歡慶的原因。