- His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是兒時患病的後遺症。
- His uncle left him a legacy of $50,000. 他叔父給他留下五萬元遺產。
- The larger headed ones chose to interbreed with small headed humans to leave a legacy of their knowledge behind as they were intending to ascend to another dimension of thought-form. 當他們意願提升到另一個維度的思想形態時,大頭顱祖先們選擇與小頭顱人類去生育子女,留下他們的一絲知識。
- The Beatles left a legacy of great music. 遺產;遺贈之物。
- It was a legacy of his time in prison. 這是他坐牢的時候留下來的一個毛
- To hear news which is helpful to you, especially to hear that you have is leave a legacy. 聽到對你有幫助的消息,特別是聽到給你留遺產的消息。
- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我們是一定要遇到麻煩了。
- To be successful in this organization and leave a legacy behind, following four are critical. 要成功,留下這個組織背後,是四個關鍵。
- When a Japanese teacher retires, she leaves a legacy. 而日本的退休老師則把他們的心血留在了學校。」
- Life is, at best, a sea of trouble. 人生,再好也不過是汪洋苦海罷了。
- It has the potential to increase sport participation, increase the medal success of our elite athletes, and it will leave a lasting legacy of community facilities. 它將會增強國民的體育參與意識,增加青年運動員的獲獎成功率,將會給社區留下可持續使用的設備。
- A faithful friend helps in times of trouble. 一個忠實的朋友在困難時刻會幫助你。
- His takeoffs and landings are a mess: sloppy and violent, they invariably leave a heap of trouble and general rubble in his wake. 他的起飛和降落是個大麻煩:粗心而充滿暴力的起飛,在他醒的時候總是留下一大堆石頭和麻煩。
- Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction. 留給子孫後代的將是環境的污染與破壞。
- To many Americans the westward march illustrates a legacy of individualism. 對許多美國人來說,向西部遷移是表現一種個人奮鬥的遺風。
- He gives us a lot of trouble, but I like him just the same. 他給我們帶來許多麻煩,但我仍然喜歡他。
- Founded by the Romans,Florence also had a legacy of ancient Roman civilization. 因為由羅馬人建立,佛羅倫薩也有大量的古羅馬留下的文化。
- He's laid up no end of trouble for himself. 他老是庸人自擾沒完沒了。
- This promise should make you determine to leave your children and grandchildren a legacy of passion for God, this promise compact you to leave alone model of love for Jesus Christ not love for money. 這應許應該促使你立下楷模愛耶穌基督而不貪愛錢財。每一次你將自己生命中的偶像除去,你所得到的福分將遠比你想象的更多。每一次你將自己生命中的偶像打碎,那將給你帶來數不清的恩典,憐憫和賜福。
- His father told him to stay out of trouble. 他父親叫他避開是非之地。