- The Olivier has an open stage for modern theatre. 奧利佛劇院有一個適合現代劇的露天舞台。
- While a day sitting on a lotus leaf open mouth, we will be able to enjoy the delicious small bug! 每天只要仰坐在荷葉上張開嘴,就能品嘗到美味的小飛蟲!
- A central park became the centre of the redeveloped Tai Kok Tsui.There were a fountain and open stage for performance. 重建后的大角嘴以中央公園為中心,設有大型噴水池和戶外表達場地。
- I am interested in performing on the open stage and can be contacted for further details. 本人有意在開放式舞台上演出,請聯絡本人作進一步了解。
- It also leaves open the possibility of extending these measures. 擴展這些方法的可能仍然沒有解決。
- I am interested in performing on the open stage located at the foyer of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and can be contacted for further details. 本人有意在香港文化中心大堂的開放式舞台上演出,請聯絡本人作進一步瞭解。
- For example, when you have a continued curve, an undulating space that is like an open stage wherepeople can think freer inside. 例如,當在一個向開放舞台一樣有持續的曲線的波浪形空間裡面,人們在其中能更自由的思考。
- Of little leaves opening stickily. 殷紅小葉使我沉默。
- "La Fauvette" is not merely a long work; it is a big work. Whether it is also a great work is a question I prefer to leave open. 《鶯》不僅是一部篇幅很長的作品,而且也是一部重要的作品。它是否還是一部偉大的作品,對此我贊成不作出結論。
- Switzerland's Marcus berg took the opening stage of the 53th Tour of Spain on Saturday. 星期六,瑞士選手馬庫斯·伯格獲得了第53屆環西班牙自行車大賽首個賽段的冠軍。
- When selected, leaves open all files in which replacements have been made, so you can undo or save the changes. 選擇此選項后,進行了替換操作的所有文件將會保持打開,以便撤消或保存更改。
- The opening stage of the enemy's attack was badly screwed up with the soldiers bunched into too narrow a front. 敵人進攻的第一階段就搞得一團糟,他們把士兵聚集在過於狹窄的前沿了。
- To survive, the moth's caterpillar must hatch almost precisely at 「bud burst,」 when the oaks' leaves open. 這些蛾類的毛蟲為了存活,孵化的時間必須與橡樹葉張開的開芽期一致。
- Leave open the possibility that troops would stay on even if the wanted men surrender. 即使通緝犯自首,軍隊也可能將繼續停留在那個懸而未決的問題上。
- The increased dry weight per day per plant of SRSRT cotton from flowering stage to boll opening stage was more than that of SRTNS cotton and DS cotton. 開花期到吐絮期,基質育苗移栽棉花的單株干物重日積累量高於營養缽和直播。
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄欖葉是和平的象徵。
- It leaves open basic metaphysical commitments and takes a plural and tolerant view of religious life. 它開啟基本的形而上學承諾並且對宗教生活採納更為多元和寬容的觀點。
- CFTC data released Friday showed that the Christmas holidays dealers keen to leave open. 周五公布的CFTC數據顯示聖誕假期前交易商平倉離場興趣濃厚。
- Finally the rubber game, Zhou Mi entered the rhythm in the opening stage, and hits very much conveniently, by 3-0 forestalls opponent by a show of strength. 最後決勝局,周蜜在開局階段就進入了節奏,並且打得很順手,以3-0先聲奪人。
- Bronchial sleeve lobectomy is mainly aimed at forming a special set of central type lung cancer, bronchoscopy prompted bronchial tumors were located in or violation of leaf openings. 支氣管袖式成型肺葉切除主要是針對一組特殊的中心型肺癌 患者,支氣管鏡提示腫瘤位於或侵犯葉支氣管開口處。