- Forced convection cooling system to easily reach the requirements of strict lead free soldering processes. 強製冷卻系統實現急冷達到無鉛焊接工藝的冷卻降溫要求。
- Soldering materials are our major products, especially in Lead Free Soldering Materials. 焊錫物料是我們的主要產品,特別是無鉛焊錫物料。
- The Main products to be exhibited: Lead free soldering machine, nitrogen lead free reflux soldering machine, inserter wire, SMD relative equipment, anti-static series of products. 無鉛波峰焊錫機、氮氣無鉛迴流焊錫機、插件線、SMD周邊設備、防靜電系列產品。
- Research on the SnAgCu Lead Free Solder with Minute Amount Rare Earth Elements 添加微量稀土元素的SnAgCu無鉛釺料的研究
- A. Gurav, B. Stacy, Whiskering Evaluation of Capacitors Mounted with Lead Free Solders, IPC/JEDEC 5th International Conference on Lead Free Electronic Components and Assemblies, March 2004. 吳懿平;劉一波;吳豐順;集成電路引腳無鉛覆層的錫鬚生長抑制;自然科學基金項目申請書;2004.
- ELEC-MICRO Handbook of Lead Free Solder Technology for Microelectronic Assemblies 微電子組裝無鉛焊接技術手冊
- Huizhou Taiyuan Metals Soldering Tin Products Co., Ltd. 惠州市泰源五金焊錫製品有限公司。
- Keywords lead free solder;alloying element;interfacial reaction;intermetallic compound; 無鉛釺料;合金元素;界面反應;金屬間化合物;
- Apply to factory and individual electronic product soldering tin handle. 適用於工廠及個人電子類產品焊錫作業.
- * There is found that crack at Intermetallic Compound when mixed solder with Lead Free Solder and Lead Solder. 有鉛焊料與無鉛焊料混合焊接時,在合金層中發現了裂紋。
- Lead free soldering 無鉛焊接
- Suitable for maintenance industry, reassembling soldering tin of integrated circuit. 適用於維修行業集成電路的拆裝熔錫。
- Electrolytic gold, ENIG, immersion tin, immersion silver, OSP &Lead Free HASL are already in production. 已投產無鉛工藝有電金、沉金、沉錫、沉銀、有機保護膜及無鉛噴錫。
- Electrolytic gold, ENIG, immersion tin, immersion silver, OSP &Lead Free HASL are already in production by 2006. 2006年已投產無鉛工藝有電金;沉金;沉錫;沉銀;有機保護膜及無鉛噴錫.
- Suitable for high-temperature enameled tin and small circuit board soldering tin caused by transformer, inductance components. 適用於變壓器、電感、元件引線的高溫搪錫和小線路板焊錫。
- In the course of the lead free reflow soldering,lead and Lead free of reflow soldering affect the quality of product. 在再流焊無鉛化過程中,再流焊的有鉛要素與無鉛要素的兼容性直接影響產品質量。
- Piston plated by 0.5-3u tin on the surface in chemical way ,the tin layer with little hole has the lubri-cative quality of soft meta... 在活塞表面用化學方法鍍覆05.;-3的錫層,多孔的錫層有軟金屬的良好潤滑特性,能吸附較多潤滑劑,降低了活塞與氣缸音的摩擦功
- Lead Free wae soldering preheat temp. should be 120+/_20 Celsius degree or other set ? please adise !Thanks ! 這個問題要問你的焊劑供應商,因為每家焊劑的配方不同,要求的預熱溫度不一樣。一般以實...
- lead free solder 無鉛焊料
- lead free solder joint 無鉛焊點