- Take Eric』s example, Tyvek versus paper products. 採取埃里克的榜樣,特衛強與紙製品。
- Appearance is apt to lead one to misjudge the substance. 表面現象使人對實質判斷錯誤。
- These four mental states lead one to Buddhism' s noble way of life ( in Sanskrit, brahmavihara) (Kalupahana 1995 : 118). 這四種精神狀態將人帶入佛教的高尚生活(梵文:brahmavihara)(Kalupahana,1995:118)。
- His brother's example inspired him to try out for the football team. 他哥哥的榜樣激勵他去接受足球隊的選拔測試.
- Long, long is the way leading one back from yonder. 碣石瀟湘無限路。
- To have doubts on this point is to be short sighted on the question of the war and is sure to lead one into the ranks of the subjugationists. 在這上面發生懷疑,是戰爭問題上的近視眼,結果一定和亡國論者走到一夥去。
- Motives, no doubt, are signposts rather difficult to read, and if one reads them amiss, they lead one very wide astray. 動機無疑是個十分難懂的路標,如果有人錯誤解讀,就有可能誤入歧途。
- It』 s true that right belief leads to success, while wrong belief leads one to degeneration, failure or hell. 正確的信仰會帶來成功,而錯誤的信仰則會導致墮落、失敗或邪惡。
- I urge people not to forget Tibet and follow Vivienne』s example by raising Tibet』s flag wherever they can and showing China the issue of Tibet will not be forgotten. 我呼籲人民不要忘記西藏和後續維維恩的榜樣,提高西藏的國旗可以在任何地方和展示中國西藏問題不會被遺忘。
- Ultimately, there is no doubt that this will lead one easily To find the supreme and perfect state of awakening. 最終,無疑這些將令一個人輕易地找到超我和覺悟的美妙狀態。
- Lead one of the resorts. (Please check our website which resorts are currently in need of a department head. 擔當某一領域的主要負責人(請登陸我們的網站查看目前空缺的管理職位)
- Satellite radio can lead one to develop an insatiable desire for all kinds of unfamiliar music and talk, in the way shortwave radio opened up new worlds for listeners in the past. 衛星廣播可以吸引人們對各類不熟悉的音樂與談話節目產生貪得無厭的慾望,就如同過去短波收音機為聽眾打造出全新的世界一樣。
- This probably led one chain to stop selling analog TVs altogether. 這很可能會帶來中斷模擬電視銷售的連鎖反應。
- Among his ideologies, the Buddhistic ideology was the leading one. 其中 ,佛教思想佔主導地位。
- The fact that players of the most modest technique could happily tackle this music suggests that many composers who welter away on the largest scale might do better to emulate Skempton』s example. 具有最平庸技巧的演奏家們都能輕鬆地演奏他的樂曲。這一事實暗示著:許多絞盡腦汁創作大型樂曲的作曲家最好效仿一下斯開普頓。
- Call upon us to learn how to hide from dark forces that desire to lead one astray in one's evolutionary journey. 召喚我們來學習如何隱藏,這樣你就不會在你進化的旅程中被渴望誤導你的黑暗勢力所發現。
- Compare Philo』s example (in Part V) of the ship and the carpenters who made it with Cleanthes』s view that design is a mark of an intelligent and knowledgeable designer.Is it an effective refutation? (在第五部分)斐羅以船和造船的木匠為例,克里安堤斯則主張,聰明絕頂學識淵博的設計師,透過其創作將才華表露無疑,請比較這兩種說法,這是個有效的辯駁嗎?
- Being ignorant of the major principles is bound to lead one to think over only personal gains and losses. 不識大體的人就必然斤斤計較個人得失。
- Take Anand』s example (4) of two countries A and B of equal population size, each with a life expectancy at birth of 50 years and perfect equality in health achievement (DMM zero). 如以有著相同的人口數的國家A和國家B作為例子,每一個國家在出生后的期望壽命為50年,並且衛生成就方面是完全相同的(死亡率的離差測量值為0)。
- The Lan-Yang Region is a wonderful place with nice hills and waters, which lead one into wonderland. 蘭陽地區是個好山好水的地方,名山勝地引人入勝。