- Alan Khee-Jin Tan: Vessel - Source Marine Pollution: The Law and Politics of International Regulation. 船舶水污染:國際規章中的法律與政治。
- President Truman was a farmer, an operator of a haberdashery and an army officer before he turned to law and politics. 杜魯門總統經營過農場,開過男裝店,當過陸軍軍官,後來才轉學法律和政治。
- Guomindang was defeated not only on the military,but also on the law and politics it was not hopeful during the Second Revolution. 國民黨在二次革命軍事失敗的同時,在政治、法律層面上也看不到任何勝利的希望。
- Therefore, whether the seizure was the case of Gong is the original or a copy of the document, Chen Shui-bian in law and politics may not have condoned. 因此無論遭查扣的鞏案文件是正本或複印件,陳水扁在法律上與政治上均無可寬宥。
- This institution was established by the Thammasat University Act in 1933 and inaugurated in 1934 as an open university of higher education in Law and Politics. 她作為藝術大學始創於1933年,1934年時被批准成為法學與政治學方面的"開放大學"。
- Law and order is vital to a country. 法律和秩序對一個國家很重要。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重點放在法律和秩序上。
- If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就會出現無政府狀態。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是維護法紀的人。
- See Martin Loughlin,Public Law and Political Theory, Oxford University Press,1992,p140. 洛克林說戴西是英國憲法的編纂者(codifier)。
- A fusion of religion and politics emerged. 出現了政教合一的局面
- Anyone who violates law and discipline must firmly be slapped down. 對於任何違法亂紀的人都必須堅決予以打擊。
- The police chief criticize the council's stand on law and order. 警察批評了委員會對法律和秩序的立場。
- He is the quintessence oftact and politeness. 他處世謙恭得體。
- This humanism can infiltrate modern rule of law, which lays a solid foundation for rule of law and political civilization construction. 將"為人民服務"精神滲透於現代法治,有利於為依法治國與政治文明建設營造底蘊深厚的人文基礎。
- John King, senior lawyer at international commercial law, received his LLB from China University of Law and Political Science in 1993 and LL. 王軍,國際商事資深律師,證泰律師事務所合伙人。1993年畢業於中國政法大學, 獲法學學士學位。
- Discussions of international news and politics. 關於全球政治軍事的討論。
- It points out that the eulogy of the ancient emperors on TV will severely affect China's social and political development towards law and democracy. 作者認為影視文學創作應正視當今社會矛盾問題,在實現其娛樂性的同時,要充分體現它的教育性和具有勵志作用。
- Are sport and politics mutually exclusive? 體育與政治是分開的嗎?
- SCIENCE and politics are inextricably linked. 科學與政治無法分開。