- That were built during the late Qing Dynasty. 大多數還都是清朝末年建造的。
- Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清時期著名的外交家。
- The dissemination of Western learning and the late Qing society II. 西學東漸與晚清社會2。
- I think the second oxtail is in late Qing and Minguo dynasties. 第二把牛尾小弟看清晚、民國。
- In late Qing dynasty,about 100 years,cupronickel,82cm. 清晚期;100年左右.;白銅嘴飾
- The craft of hoop and head is a bit different,in late Qing dynasty. 護箍的劍首的工藝也略有不同,「龍泉寶劍,廢除邪魔」給個清晚
- His poetry sometimes rises to the level of the late Qing poets. 他的詩有時達到了晚清詩人的境界。
- Liu Yishun is an elitist in the folk religious world in the late Qing Dynasty. 劉儀順是晚清民間宗教世界中的一位傑出人物。
- But while Mr Singh is an impeccable frontman, the country』s politics has a much sleazier and more disreputable side. 雖然辛格作為頭面人物無可指摘,但印度政治卻有著更加醜陋、污穢的一面。
- By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician after effect 大綱8217;s politics books. 根據政策,警方不客氣的把政客的政治書籍切成了薄片。
- On the Theroy of Fiction Genre in the Late Qing and the Early P. R. C. 論清末民初的小說類型理論。
- Dao is in late Qing dynasty,the Arabic numerals were carved afterward. 刀是清晚期的;阿拉伯數字是后刻的.
- These tell us to renounce exceedingly liberalism and Utopia, meanwhile the morality plays a more important role in the world 's politics. 這些告訴我們,今天的政治哲學必須放棄極端自由主義、告別烏托邦,同時,重視道德因素在世界政治中扮演的重要角色。
- She arrived in Juneau, the state capital, with a squeaky-clean agenda, vowing to reform the state』s politics and root out corruption. 她走馬上任后即高調的宣布了她的以清廉為旗幟的計劃,宣布要改革該州的政治和清除腐敗。
- Much of the story of how the king』s actions have hurt his country』s politics is unfamiliar because Thais have not been allowed to hear it. 泰國人並不知道國王是如何損害國家政治的,因為他們根本不允許聽到這樣的內容。
- Only later on, especially in late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, which hampered China'' s progress and its exchanges with the outside world. 但是後來特別是清代晚期,封建統治者實行閉關鎖國政策,阻礙了中國的進步和中外交流。
- Part three: the bankruptcy of Madero"s political ideology. 第三部分:馬德羅政治思想的破產。
- As an active advocator of Wuehaoxue during the late Qing dynasty, Zhang Tai-yan had keen interest in Weijin literature. 摘要作為清末民初時期「五朝學」的積極提倡者,章太炎對於魏晉文學表現出極大的關注。
- With our country"s politics and economy transition, the underworld crime which has been deracinated for a time has revived, developed and extended quickly. 隨著我國政治和經濟的轉型,在國內曾一度滅絕的黑社會犯罪又死灰復燃,並迅速發展、蔓延。
- In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty, landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice. 摘要清後期陝南地區的地主-佃農經濟和小農佃耕制度佔據主導地位。