- If she burps, she'll get lockjaw. 如果她打個嗝 會得破傷風的。
- Labial color is darker, nigrescent reason? 嘴唇顏色比較暗,發黑的原因?
- Labial ministry: Daub of pink lip colour can. 唇部:粉色唇彩塗抹即可。
- Why to eat mango to you can cause labial allergy? 吃芒果為什麼會引發嘴唇過敏?
- This cause of labial fenestration is very rare. 根管過度充填造成黏膜開窗,尚無文獻報告。
- Clinical manifestations may be lockjaw, entasia and incontinence. 往往出現牙關緊閉、強直性全身痙攣、大小便失禁。
- The jaw muscles are almost always involved (lockjaw). 咬肌幾均受累,此為lockjaw名稱的由來。
- After tying labial hole, grow to be able to leave a mark. 扎了唇洞后,長起來會留痕迹嗎。
- Does laser take off labial wool what is best? How many money? 激光脫唇毛什麼最好?多少錢?
- Tetanus (or lockjaw ):Acute bacterial disease caused by Clostridium tetani (see clostridium). 破傷風:由破傷風桿菌引起的急性細菌性疾病。
- The incisors inclined extremely to the labial side and the lower lip was thi... 切牙過度唇傾,下唇較厚,頦厚小於正常值,頦部特徵不明顯,中面部相對突出。
- Since our language has lingual diversity, he got a labial stomatitis. 因為我們的語言有多樣性,他得了唇狀的口腔炎。
- Tetanus (or lockjaw ):Acute Bacterial disease caused by Clostridium tetani (see clostridium). 破傷風:由破傷風桿菌引起的急性細菌性疾
- Bacteria that live in the soil may produce tetanus (lockjaw). Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever. 生存於土壤中的細菌可引起破傷風。別的細菌可引起麻風病和波狀熱。
- I hear a wild, hysterical laugh, a room full of lockjaw, and the body that was black glows like phosphorus. 這是血管里含有杜松子酒的偉大妓女、人類的母親。
- Objective Observe an impact of lockjaw antitoxin skin charge contents over hypersensitive test masculine gender result. 目的觀察破傷風抗毒素皮試液含量對過敏試驗陽性結果的影響。方法對1146例門急診外傷患者隨機分為兩組。
- Bacteria that live in the soil may produce tetanus ( lockjaw ). Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever. 生存於土壤中的細菌可引起破傷風。別的細菌可引起麻風病和波狀熱。
- Objective Using PAHG to repair vermilion, labial depression, lip defect and leptolips, to try new ways of lip repairs. 目的 應用聚丙烯醯胺水凝膠 (PAHG)整復唇紅、唇部凹陷、唇珠缺損、薄唇 ,探索唇部整復新方法。