- ERICA:Well, you know the thing about me. I'm 90% hard work, 10% talentso far the talent part hasn't exactly kicked in yet. 艾麗卡:嗯,你知道我這人。我是90%25的努力,10%25的天分。不過到目前為止,天分的那部分還沒有開竅呢。
- I liked Mary's singing in the talent show. 我喜歡瑪麗在有獎競賽中的演唱。
- Do you know the man wearing a white shirt? 你認識那個穿白襯衣的人嗎?
- I've just had a brainwave; I know the answer! 我剛才靈機一動,找到了答案!
- They are getting to know the geographical house. 他們正在了解房屋的布局。
- Do you know the constituents of the mixture? 你知道這種混合物的成分嗎?
- Do you know the impressive seizures of drugs? 你知道那件轟動一時的毒品扣押案嗎?
- Do you know the purpose of this urn? 你知道這個瓮的用途嗎?
- I don't know the exact terms of the contract. 我不知道合同的正確條款。
- I know the film will make a hit. 我知道這部電影會受歡迎。
- He has the talent of a commander. 他有將帥之才。
- It so happens that I know the man. 碰巧我認識那個人。
- We need actors for the talent show. 我們才藝展示還需要幾位演員。
- Do you know the answer to this question? 你知道這道題的答案嗎?
- Scout the talent at the baseball tournament. 在棒球聯賽中覓人才。
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的經濟政策嗎?
- Lili was born with the talent of music. 莉莉生來就具有音樂天賦。
- Do you know the key to the problem? 你知道這道題的答案嗎?
- Do you know the part of speech of this word? 你知道這個單詞的詞性嗎?
- Do you know the three USA television networks? 你知道美國的三大電視網嗎?